Fragrance Freak Friday: Bath and Body Works Country Apple (Shower Gel and Body Spray)

So I've been wanting to do a Fragrance Freak Friday on this for a little while now. I love any apple scent... they all kind of smell the same to me... but I get them anyway because its apple scented stuff on sale... how could you not buy it? Did I mention its apple scented? Lol.

Anyway... back to the FFF. I think this smells more of like a late summer-into fall type of scent. Of corse you can wear it all year long, but for me its definitely a Summer-fall type of smell to me at least. I never think I'm the biggest fan of apple scented things... but I always get apple scented products... so clearly I like them a lot!

This one might be my favorite of any of my apple smells. Its just a really really good one!

Shower Gel- I think I'm going to do this as a hybrid "Fragrance Freak Friday" and a review... but I just used the Shower Gel on Sunday and I think I'll have more to say about it throughout the week... so I'll specify what I'm talking about because why not!

This is pretty much just like any other bath and body works shower gel the way it feels and lathers... which I really like about Bath and body works. They're really consistent with their shower gels and I just like that about them. Avon Naturals is one of my favorites... but they have slightly different formulas for different scents. With Bath and Body Works you get the same formula with any sort of body product with this.

The scent smelled really good in the bath. It just filled up the bathroom and made it smell nice after I used it... which is nice. This didn't linger... but I did use a lotion after and the scent of the lotion was very different than the apple scent. It was the Soap and Glory Smoothie star from my Finish 13 by Halloween... so that's quite different... so it didn't really linger... but it still smelled nice!

Body Spray- This smelled really nice! I sprayed kind of a lot and it didn't really stay on very long... but it's easy to reapply and still have it smell nice. Its very sweet and apple-y. It didn't smell like too much even though I sprayed quite a bit. My dog didn't really notice it. My dog LOVES apples and apple flavored anything, so usually he notices if anything has an apple scent... but he was distracted by Nana I think... so he wasn't bothering with me... Maybe he will through the week. I'm sure this will be a focal point of the trip! Its really good!

Body Spray and Body Wash 
I kept forgetting to reapply this throughout the day... but I liked it when I smelled it. I sprayed it after using the body wash too and that smelled nice. My dog was sniffing it too. So yeah! Dog who loves apples approved! And it did linger a tiny bit.

Body Spray 
So usually I feel like I'll get tired of wearing the same scent for so long... but I actually really like this one! Its nice it smells good and makes me happy!

I didn't really notice much different about the body wash!

Still liking the spray... I actually went into Bath and Body Works and the new scents a lot... I think I might end up getting Pumpkin Cupcake, Pumpkin Apple Cider and Salted Caramel Pumpkin... they all smelled so good! If I had a coupon I would have really really liked to get some soon! It's been really good!

I just mixed this with the Honeycrisp Apple and Buttered Rum Orchard scent and that smelled really good together and its a little longer lasting... so maybe that's what I will use tomorrow!

Alright! Since I like to finish these blogs pretty early, I'm probably not going to tell my experience wearing it through the day... you get the point. Maybe on Fridays I'll tell you if I'm going to continue wearing it today or if I'm sick of it... or if I'm doing anything different.

I'm not sick of this scent... I really liked it... but just for fun since I thought it mixed well with the Orchard scent and I liked the way the Pumpkin Apple Cider smelled in stores, I thought I'd mix it with something else... so I tried the Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte scent and I really liked the way it smelled! One arm I mixed Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte with Country Apple and on the other side I mixed it with the Orchard scent. This is how I would rank them...

1) Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte and Orchard
2) Orchard and Country Apple
3) Country Apple and Orchard

All good smells, I'd wear them all together... but the Pumpkin Latte and Orchard just smell really really good together. You wouldn't think they'd go together... but they just do really well!

Hope this was helpful!

