Fragrance Freak Friday: Avon Naturals Starfruit and Coconut

So this I have some mixed feelings of. This is a different Fragrance Freak Friday, I'm just going to a review of these and I could use it for a week or so but.. I think maybe I'll just do a review on everything. By "everything" I mean the Body Spray, Shower Gel and Lotion... so yeah.

Body Spray
This doesn't really smell like anything for me. Its very very very light. I don't know if its just me, or if it doesn't smell strongly enough... its just kind of a light, light scent. It might be good to mix with other perfumes, but on its own... its a very light fragrance. I like it... but its not enough to really be like "Wow, this is my favorite." It might be good to wear if you want a little something but maybe your friend or spouse or someone doesn't like scents too much or they're sensitive to scents... but its just a very little something.

Body Wash 
The body wash is amazing! Its moisturizing, it smells great, it makes you feel nice and summery. They're really really nice. The only thing about the body wash is that  you go through it really quick. I think mine took a week or so... but it is really inexpensive. Its just a good body wash. This is probably what I'd pick up from the line.

Body Lotion 
I liked the Body Lotion too. This just adds a bit more smell than the body spray it is good for layering, its nice to kind of cool off too. I like having it on the back of my neck. Its been so hot here that that helped a lot! But it was never overwhelming really, which I like, especially in the heat. Its been very hot in NJ lately... so its kind of nice to have a not totally overwhelming scent... but the lotion helped cover up the stinkies more than the body spray did... so that helped.

If you were going to pass on the Body Spray... that would probably be okay, but I love the body wash a lot and the lotion is nice too!

Byeee! Hope this was helpful!
