Fragrance Freak Friday: Bath and Body Works Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte

I think I had this on on Sunday. I walked in a 5k... so I was pretty sweaty and tired. I forget if I wore this or Pink Chiffon... I think I ran out of Pink Chiffon (spoilers for my finish 13 by halloween) and then I switched to this one! It helped me smell a little better, it didn't cover anything up completely, but its still been good. 

I wore this in the day... I didn't really notice it throughout the day other than when I was applying it. I like the way it smells... but it doesn't seem to be sticking around very long... which is a slight problem. 

Okay today, its sticking around a little bit better! I haven't reapplied it in a while I think, but now that I'm writing about it I'm mentioning it and I like it a lot! 

This actually reminds me a lot of when I was in college and I commuted on the train and there was a lot of walking and I had a mini bottle of this to freshen up before classes. One time I applied this and used a gingerbread hand sanitizer and I was seeing a play that the drama club was putting on (my classes at the time were theater classes, so you need to attend the plays) and some guys were like "hey do you smell gingerbread?" And the other guy said "Yeah, or pumpkin spice" and I just smiled to myself knowing it was me. I think they were a little disappointed that there were no cookies, but it didn't seem like they didn't like the smell. And no on knew it was me! So that was my fun little secret. 

I was in a muppety mood today... so this kind of made me feel a little more muppety because I'm pretty sure this helped with the muppet ness happening. Muppets probably like Pumpkin Spice... so yeah. It was good.

Didn't wear this a ton today... I think I'll spray some now. I just used the Soap and Glory Smoothie Star Lotion... but I want to see... yes this mixes pretty well! I've been using the Vanilla Bean Noel body wash because that's what I have... kind of smells like this too! So that is kind of exciting! Tomorrow maybe I'll look and see if I still have any lotions of this I may have if I have time to do that... and check this out with the lotion and see how it wears... usually I end up not writing very much about it on Friday because I like having this scheduled early before 6pm or 11:30 am... but I'll try maybe for a few hours at least...

Tried it with an older Triple Moisture Body Lotion... meh. Didn't work all that well to make it last longer... I was out shopping though and probably sweating because I had little self control at Sephora... despite being on a low buy... lol.

I want to text this perfume with Cashmere Glow!

I like how these smell together... I maybe sprayed a little more Cashmere Glow... but either way these are both really really good! I like them a lot together... the cashmere glow has more of a warm scent... and so does the Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte... but there's just something about this that is really nice and special... so I like that a lot actually!

Highly recommend this if you are thinking of buying from B&B Works this year... I love it. Its great for everyday and it isn't too pumpkiny that it will make every day a Pumpkin Spice day.

