30 Non Beauty Related Things That I like + Upcoming Plans for My Blog!

I saw EmilyNoel83 do a "30 Random Things About Me" Tag a while ago... and I wanted to do that... but then the first few things I was starting to post were just things that I absolutely love... so I thought it might be fun to talk about my interests besides makeup instead of just 30 Random things about me. I also have a lot of ideas that hopefully will be coming soon to my blog... so stay tuned for that! But... yeah! Let's just get right into it!

1) I have a Maltese. I love dogs, I talk about my dog quite often... he's the guy that scratches on my door to wake me up in the morning and I just love him. His name is Spencer. And he is almost 4 years old I think... he's really cute!

Here he is watching Tati... he was just a baby! Sooo cute! 

2) I love Minions... well more specifically I love the Despicable Me and Minion movies and the minion toys... and minions in general. I do not love the Minion Memes... Minions can't speak English... so I never really understood them... but people think I love Minion memes... so I can't really say anything... but I think I'm safe to say something here. 

Minions though- I have a bunch of minion toys and Funko Pops... and I just really think they're cute and funny! 

3) Disney!!!!! Disney movies and Parks are definitely some of my favorite things... on my other blog I'm trying to incorporate more about Disney just because it makes me happy. I'm a big kid at heart and Disney just makes me feel like a kid. A lot of the things on this list are Disney related. 

4) Pixar I think I like even more than Disney... I wanted to Work at Pixar when I was little- so I'm always loving Pixar movies. 

5) Star Wars too... love me some Star Wars. I loved the remakes as a kid... I don't think I'll ever watch The Phantom Menace or Attack of The Clones again just because I don't want to ruin it for myself... but I do love the original trilogy and the new movies. I haven't seen Rogue One yet... but I love Star Wars. 

6) Muppets too... I feel like everyone's favorite Muppet says a lot about them. My mom would ALWAYS tell me people's favorite muppets and she would say "Well your dad's favorite is The Sweedish Chef, Pa's favorite was Rolf the dog." And I thought it really meant something when she told me people's favorite muppets... so if you comment on this... Who's your favorite muppet????? I'd love to know! My favorites are Statler and Waldorf- aka the 2 critics and Miss Piggy. 

7) My Favorite TV Show of ALL TIME is Arrested Development. That was such a brilliant show- I'm excited that they're making Season 5! Season 5 will be a true crime parody... it's going to be sooo good. I also have to mention Parks and Rec and Breaking Bad in this category. Breaking Bad is probably just about tied with Arrested Development- just for drama... and Parks and Rec is my favorite show of recent years... I don't quite know what my favorite current tv show is. It might be Life in Pieces or Great News... or Crazy Ex Girlfriend... or The Good Place... idk! It's so hard! 

8) Friends is another important tv show in my life right now... right now I feel the need to watch it every day right now... usually I watch it obsessively for a year and then I'll take a break for a year and then I'll watch it again... I think it's been a few years since I've watched it last... cause I liked watching it a lot in College... but its a great show and it's definitely one I could watch again and again and again. And I have watched it again and again and again. I pretty much know every line of every episode lol. 

9) I'm running out of things... lol. I love Decorating Christmas Trees! My tree doesn't have a theme... but we do have ornaments that go in specific places... and I'm the one that decides where they go for the most part... I'm a little intense about it... and it's the only thing that I take really seriously... but it is one of my favorite things to do... ever! 

10) My favorite food is Penne Vodka. I discovered this when I was a junior in college... I had never tried it before because I'm not a big fan of Tomato Sauce and I just thought this wasn't something I'd like... but I did! And now I eat it a lot. 

11) I also have a huge sweet tooth. I love candy, cookies, ice cream, desserts... love it all. 

12) I love Lady Gaga! I'm seeing her in August and I'm sooo excited! 

13) My favorite band in high school was Fall Out Boy... and I still really like them. I love Panic at The Disco still too. I loved Cobra Starship and The Academy Is also... don't really listen to them anymore... but they are great bands and I would recommend them. 

14) Jack's Mannequin and Something Corporate too! Loveeee those bands! I know Andrew McMahon had a solo project too... he's the singer of those 2 bands... I'm not sure if he's still doing that or not. I haven't listened to anything other than his single... so that's something I may need to listen to. 

15) Harry Potter... I know there are people that don't like Harry Potter in the world... and that is their right I guess... and I'll respect it... but I don't agree with it. It's just a hobby at this point and how can you just deny yourself of this! 

16) Hamilton is another BIG favorite right now... I can understand and respect not liking Harry Potter ... I can't understand not liking Hamilton... and idk if I can respect it. Lin Manuel Miranda is a genius... and I love him! 

17) And I love Musicals in general. I downloaded a bunch of Musical soundtracks on Apple Music because Idk if I want to see them or not... some of them are off broadway and I can't see... but I still like things that tell a story. 

18) Pink is my favorite color. I also really like Purple. 

19) Traveling is always fun. Not something I do very often unfortunately but I have been to Europe... and Disney World... and Boston a bunch of times. I like new places. 

20) I like Breakfast foods a lot. Why does anyone ever eat anything other than breakfast foods? People are stupid. NAME THAT QUOTE! Lol. 

21) Gillian Flynn is another favorite writer of mine. Gone Girl might just be my favorite book that isn't in a series. I like John Green too... but Gillian Flynn is awesome. 

22) I also like comedies a lot. My favorite movie is still probably Despicable Me... but any comedy I can watch over and over again is great too. The Star Wars trilogies are my other favorites. 

23) I have a fitbit... I'm not as active and I don't work out as much as I used to... but I should. 

24) I love youtube... and my favorite youtuber is Justin Scarred. He's an awesome guy that is genuinely nice and does travel Vlogs- mostly around Disneyland and other Disney Parks... but also places in Southern California and around Route 66. He went to France for a long time this year too... very interesting stuff. 

25) In the morning I watch CBS Morning News, Hot Bench and then Let's Make a Deal and The Price is Right... all really good. I really like the game shows lol. 

26) Dollar Stores excite me... and idk why. 

27) I like coloring books a lot too... I haven't done a coloring book in a long time- but I really like them! 

28) I have a bullet journal also... I like writing things down and kind of sticking to a plan. It's just an easy way to do things. 

29) Writing... if you didn't know... is a definite favorite of mine! 

30) Also obsessed with Starbucks! 

Plans for the Blog 

Now onto the Exciting part... my plans! So I'll be doing something a little different than my regular format for the next few months actually... In July I will be doing a "Makeup Look Month." Basically... A long time ago- I did Top 5 Fridays on my favorite palettes in different categories... and I thought I would post a look on each palette every day for the month! So I'm still going to have a Frugal, Fancy, Fragrance, Fashion, Favorite Fridays... but On Saturday I'll talk about the top 5 palettes and then the rest of the week I'll do the looks for the 5 palettes... and then I'll probably include a haul and a monthly favorites post... so that is that. 

And the Following Month will be Review Month. That will be a little bit more similar to the posts I do now... on Monday I'll do a Drugstore Review, Tuesday will be a first impression... where I do a look and then I'll post a second time later on in the day and give an impression on what I thought of the thing. Wednesday will still be Worth it Wednesday, Thursday will be Throwback Thursday where I review something I haven't talked about or used in a while, Friday will still be my "favorites" post, Saturday will be style reviews and Sunday will be a non-makeup review. So that's what will be happening in August. 

After that- September is Drugstore Month! I'll have some sort of Drugstore Post every single day. I try to do more Drugstore reviews during September because it's back to school and those kind of go hand in hand. 

October I might do the 13 days of Blogoween again... not quite sure... I might skip that on this blog... but I'll definitely do something Blogoween related on my other blog... and I'll probably keep the Blogmas reviews on this for December... so this might be a little bit more themed... I just like changing the format a little bit... lol. I want to think outside the blogging box a little bit... so that's what I'll be doing for the next few months! 

