Worth it Wednesday: Urban Decay Jean Michel Basquiat Eyeshadow Palettes (Gold Griot and Tenant)

Here is a collection I was really excited about because I think it's something that might go under the radar... and it is a very unique and creative collection... and really I wanted this because this is what I think Urban Decay does best.

Nowadays it seems like the packaging is getting better than the actual makeup... and the packaging is all kind of the same anyway. Too faced has adorable packaging, but the palettes they have are starting to look the same even packaging-wise. While the packaging of this collection is probably the most over-the top packaging of any palette i have... it is incredibly unique. Urban Decay could have put out something cutesy looking like Too Faced or any other brand and they probably would have sold better. They decided to do a collection based on an edgy artist that died several years ago! He's a very well known artist... but still it's something that won't appeal to someone unless they know his art. I don't know if I've ever heard of him as an artist... but I'm sure I've seen his art before... and I really like it because I like dark and abstract art.

This isn't Jean Michel Basquiat- it's Fransisco de Goya...but here you can get a feel as to the kind of artwork I like. It just felt like I should include it here! I've done a couple of spanish projects on this painting! 

So I think it's daring of Urban Decay to come out with this collection and I really appreciate that. This is what the brand was originally known for- these sort of edgy collections that don't fit the typical definition of "pretty!" but there is still beauty in everything- so there's beauty in urban decay even. 

Also before I get into the review- I'd like to mention that there's a little thing where you can hang these on your wall and have your own little Jean Michel Basquiat painting in your house... I think that is pretty cool and right now these are on my wall. The packaging is Canvas... so it really feels and looks like a mini painting. Plus... it'll be something I reach for a lot if I just see it on my wall and can grab it. I liked that! 

Both of these palettes are really nice too... I have to say I was underwhelmed by the swatches of the Gold Griot Palette and I thought it performed really really well... whereas I was very impressed with the way the Tenant Palette swatched and underwhelmed by the performance.

 The Tenant Palette can be built up really nicely... and it doesn't really take much to build it up... but you do kind of need to work with it... The greens are kind of not so great, the pink, purple and the blues are really nice... oddly enough I haven't tried the black or the white... but it is really good overall. 

I think of the Tenant Palette more as a companion palette. I've been liking to use it with single shadows to add a pop of color. I tried doing a green look with it and the lasting power just didn't work for me. The pop of color way is a nice way to use this... I didn't totally need the palette for that... but I'm liking it anyway. 

I have the blue colors on the outer corner with a gold Mac Pigment

I have the pink and purple on the outer corner with Nars Dual Intensity shadow in Rigel on the lid. 

It isn't a palette I really needed... but I think I'll get a lot of use out of it and I do like it more than the other colorful Urban Decay Palettes I have... I think... Palette Smackdown sometime! 

Gold Griot Palette 
This one I really like because these are my kinds of neutral shades... and it looks so basic when you first see it... but that is sort of the beauty of it... you don't need many things to create a lot of different looks and this is the perfect example of everything you'd need for a really nice everyday look. You could do a totally basic look, you could use the shimmer colors- the matte colors, you could do a smokey look... it's just incredibly versatile and I really like it for that! Plus for Urban Decay $39 for a palette like this isn't horrible... it was more than I really wanted to pay for it- which is why I used my Ulta Points for the both of them... but I think this one is probably one I think "Yeah I'll pay $39 for that!" 
This is the "Grungey all matte look" that I did and posted... but didn't think I had a picture of... I'll be editing that post with this picture in it and I will post a link to that right here

I don't think the Tenant palette is worth the $39 on it's own... but because of the packaging and the fact that I don't really have anything like it... I still kind of think it's worth it. I feel like these will probably go on sale at some point... Urban Decay tends to... but I wanted to get it before and I had the Ulta points... so I got it! 

This is what it looks like on my wall if you were curious! 

So yeah... that about does it... I'm happy with this collection... might be picking up more... so keep an eye out for future reviews! 

