Frugal, Fancy, Fragrance, Fashion, Favorite Fridays 6.30.17

This week was crazy, but I'm happy to be back to regularly scheduled blogs. I'm not going to have the same sort of posts I have over the next few months probably... but I'm sticking with this Friday Favorites format... so yeah. Let's get right into it!

Milani Bella Bellini! This is the most gorgeous blush shade that you could ever get. It's just so nice! You could totally use this with no highlight because it does give a highlight on its own... it's just sooo sooo pretty. It is summer in a powder... your cheeks will look like sunshine... I'm writing this at almost 1 am... so yeah. Lol.

I'm not sure I used much fancy makeup this week... Ohhh okay! I remember I used the Vegas Nay Stardust palette this week! Ohhh my goodness! Such a great palette. I'm writing this while listening to  Ebbilovesmakeup's palette collection video... it's an hour long... and this is the first video I'm watching of hers... Which is exciting. Someone recommended her to me when I asked about favorite youtubers under 100k... I put this on my Watch Later and I love her so far and I'm subscribed now. Lol.

Anyway yeah she mentioned this palette right when I was like "what was that palette I used this week?" And then I remembered and it really impressed me. I want to use it more often because it really is a very impressive palette. I love it!

Also honorable mention to the Julep Boost Your Radiance Reparative Rosehip Seed Facial Oil... I got this in the Posh Voxbox from Influenster... I just used it right now before bed and it gave me a natural highlight that was really noticeable. I feel like if you want to not wear makeup for the day... you could use this and it would just look like you have somethin on. This is literally a first impression... but this is awesome!

I just put on the Bath and Body Works Almond and Vanilla scent... I love this! It's making me happy right now. I love this.

I don't know if I have a fashion favorite this week... I really liked my outfit a couple days ago... but I didn't take pictures. I wore flowy pants from Old Navy with a tank top from Old Navy... I felt really cute and it looked nice. I love Old Navy for the summer time. Kind of want to see if they have any more flowy pants because that's my thing in the summer. Flowy pants!

Wentworth. I finally started watching Wentworth recently. It's an Australian Drama about a Woman's Prison... it's just such a good show. The first season was really great. I'm not as into the second season... but it's still a great show. It isn't unlike Orange is The New Black, but it is very dark in tone. I feel like I've written 3 reviews on this just saying the same thing. Orange is The New Black you have a lot of comic relief... Wentworth is just a lot darker. Still not a super serious show... but there's suspense and it's just great!

