Tag Tuesday: 7 Deadly Sins of Beauty

So... my eye is bothering me... so instead of a makeup look today, you'll get a Tag! This is an older tag I saw on youtube wayyy back in the day and I rediscovered it on a blog... I don't remember if I've ever done this before- but I do believe some of the questions have changed... so let's just get into it! This is the blogger I found the questions from... I don't think she created the Tag... but still wanted to give her credit.

1. GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?
My Most inexpensive is actually a really great blush that I found at Icing... I want to say it was under a dollar or something crazy like that... it's super super pigmented and the packaging is kind of sleek and gorgeous too. 

The Most Expensive... I think the Nars Fully Loaded Eyeshadow Palette. I have other palettes that are around the same price I believe... but those are holiday palettes... so there's more of a value there than this one. I loveeee the palette though. It might just be worth the ridiculous price tag! 

2. WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with? What product has been the hardest to get?

I feel like I have a love/ hate relationship with Morphe... I've never tried Morphe... and that is kind of why. It always frustrates me for some reason or another. Lots of people love it... lot's of people say "meh... not the best." I kind of want to try the Copper Spice and Bronzed Mocha palettes... but also I don't. The shipping is expensive... it isn't too bad really- it could be worse... but also I saw this and I feel like this is accurate. So... do with that info what you will... I still might try one or both of those palettes... but I also know I have sensitive eyes and these aren't going to do them any good... so there's that.

Hardest to get... Any time I want the Kat Von D Shade n Light palette... it's never in stock at my Sephora! I know that isn't necessarily hardest to get... but Idk whenever I go to Sephora specifically for that it isn't out and in stock... I know they have drawers you're allowed to go into and get (I think...) but I usually get distracted then. Lol.

3. GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?
I love the smell of the Too Faced Peanut Butter and Jelly Palette... doesn't taste as good as something like the Peach palette though! Lol.

4. SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?
Concealer or Eyeliner. Eyeliner can sometimes bother me... so those are ones I skip. I did just try the Benefit Boing Concealer though... that is pretty amazing!!! 

5. PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
Highlight for sure!!!! Whenever I put highlight on my nose and browbone it's usually a statement. Like "Oooo I love this highlight- I'm just going to bathe in it! Lol. 

6. LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
Ooooo... I like nice eyes and a sense of humor. Also just be nice and polite... that always helps. 

7. ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a gift?
Hmmm... I want to say the Juliette Has A Gun perfumes... because I like a lot of them... but they are $100 each... so yeah.

