Beauty Products That Help Creativity... (for me at least)!

Lately I've been feeling a little bit more creative... and I think part of it has to do with some beauty products I'm using believe it or not... so I figured I'd blog about it.

First off- If you're writing and trying to create a  certain mood or you want it to kind of reflect some sort of time in your life... I would recommend wearing a fragrance that reflects that. Scent is very powerful in our memories... so that could definitely help a little bit with writing. I was working on something over the summer that I wanted to include some high school memories for... so I used the scent from Bath and Body Works that I wore a lot during my senior year of high school- which was Twilight Woods from Bath and Body Works. I wore that all the time in High School and it just kind of created the mood I was trying to set. I don't tend to wear it a lot because it does remind me of the guy I dated that year... but that does also kind of create a sort of angry mood that I'm looking for in the writing lol. Plus it reminds me of happy memories too... so that's not all bad... but still. Brings me to that time... gives me a little flavor of what that time was like... and it just helps a lot.

Going along with that same theory... if you act this could probably help too. When Sarah Paulson was playing Marcia Clark for American Crime Story- she found out what perfume Marcia Clark wore back then and used that to get into character- even though it was a scent she didn't particularly like. That's kind of cool.

The Aromatherapy Collection from Bath and Body Works has also helped quite a bit. I have the White Barn Eucalyptus Spearmint Wallflower in now- and It's made me feel a little bit better and helped me think a little more creatively. The shower gel and lotion help me relax a little more... it kind of helps me think more clearly. I did have a bit of a headache one night and I put on the Eucalyptus Spearmint Lotion and took some Ibuprofin and watched the movie Get Out... which isn't the best movie to watch for the first time if you have a headache... but I was able to enjoy it without getting all that scared because of the lotion. It was still scary, disturbing and suspenseful... but it was a little easier to watch with the lotion on lol.

I just got their Nighttime Tea Shower Gel also... really liked that. It definitely helped me sleep a little better... but I also came up with this idea while using it... so I think it helps.

Lately I've been coming up with a lot of blogging ideas while in the bath tub... and I think that's because of the Dr. Teal's Foam Baths with Epsom Salt. I usually use the Eucalyptus Spearmint one... but I switched to the Lavender one recently... and I think that kind of helps. I try to stay in the tub until the bubbles are dissolved... so it makes a nice, long bath... and overall I just really like it. It's been good.

And speaking of Epsom Salts... I use them when I take my foot bath! I have the Homedics Foot Spa... I'm going to have a review of that when I've used it more often... I wrote a lot of it already... but I'll add more once I've used it more so yeah... that's just good to take your mind off of things and just kind of pamper and treat yourself. It's really nice and relaxing. I just like it.

With blogging the thing that helps me most isn't reviewing the latest releases... but rather looking for something older in my collection and using that for a little bit... that's been working a lot for me recently. Or if you want to try something new- use that along with these older products. Like I recently used the Covergirl Katy Perry Cream Eyeshadow along with the Too Faced Natural Matte Palette and that worked really well... so this is just an exciting thing to do.

Also- while at the drugstore- don't just look for the newest items... look for some of the older items that you haven't tried before!

Hair as well... as weird as it sounds... there's something about washing my hair that just really, really helps me think creatively and it's just really nice! I've been loving hair products now that my hair is a little different... I just think it helps a lot.

So that's my advice. Fellow beauty bloggers, writers, or bloggers might also like this... but I think they can help... never underestimate the powers of a good bath when you're in a writing rut. Lol.

