Oscar 2015 Style Review+ Pics

I want to talk a lot about the styles of these dresses. I wanted to post pics of everything, but I want to talk about a lot of dresses... so I'll probably only post pictures of my favorites. Not posting any pictures of men cause idk much about guy style and all tuxes kind of look the same. All of these ladies are lovely and talented, so I don't think any less of them as people or anything and everyone really did look lovely... but everyone has a different style and there are always some I just don't like.

Chrissy Teigen- I thought this was a really classy dress that was trendy, but you can still look at it in 10 years and say "Yes, that is a fantastic dress." Its power blue and sparkly and theres a nice little slit in the side. Sleeves were a big trend this year, and this had really nice sleeves and a plunging neckline... but not one that showed the girls or anything... unless she laughed a little too much or danced too much... lol. I really liked the dress so I'm giving it an A. Her hair was also beautiful, it was long and down and curly... its nice to see a break from the updos from time to time so I was happy with that and the earrings. Her make up was nice too, very dark vampy list. It all works really well on her. A. 

Gina Rodriguez- I'm a fan of Rodriguez, I love Jane the Virgin... but this dress was not my favorite. The color looked nice on her, but it wasn't the best and she played it a little too safe with this dress. I feel like my favorite thing of the night was that so many people took great risks and they looked fantastic. I did like her side bun... but it didn't really seem Oscar-worthy. C. 

Margot Robbie- The more I look at this dress, the more I like it. I didn't really like it at first, its very dark and it looks almost gothic and this year I think the colors and sparkles sort of won it. I feel like she pulls it off well. The Necklace is a little odd, but I think it looks good with this. Again we have sleeves. I don't think many people could pull this off, but she does. B-. 

Faith Hill- Hmmm. I'm torn. Faith Hill is a beautiful woman, this dress is very on trend with the sparkles and the sleeves... but it just wasn't my cup of tea. It does look lovely on her. I don't love the necklace and I think any necklace would clash with this dress, but it kind of needs a necklace to make it more interesting. I think her hair is nice, different and her face make up looks very radiant. C+. 

Felicity Jones- I didn't love the dress... but again I think she pulls it off. I like the bottom of the dress, but I think a mermaid cut or something less poofy would look better with the top of the dress. The Color is really nice. Idk I thought this was one of my least favorite dresses of the night, but I like it a little more the more I look at it. Her Make up is on point too, and she looks very chic with her bangs...  C. 

Patricia Arquette- I think she played it a little safe, but I think it worked for her. She doesn't seem like the hollywood type at all to me, she seems very humble and her roles are very good for her as well. I don't know if I loved her hair... but really I am no expert in the Oscar hairstyles thing... lol. I tend to think a lot of updos look like star trek things, so it isn't always my thing... but yeah. It was a good look for her. B+ 

Tegan & Sara- Kind of grading on a curve here. Normally I would think "Urrr no." No sneakers at awards shows, no sneakers with dresses... and its all very dark... but thats who Tegan and Sara are I think and I think they looked pretty hip. They are also wearing Bite Beauty's cashmere lip creams in Sherry and Bourdeaux C+. 

Sienna Miller- Again the more I see it, the more I like it. I think I went back and forth on this dress 3 times last night, but I think its really nice. Again it seemed like a risk, and I think it paid off. B+ 

Dakota Johnson- I didn't love this. When I first saw it I really liked it, but then I saw a lot of other fashion and I don't think it held up with the others. It was a nice color and Johnson's very pretty, but I think it was a bit safe. I'm grading a little lower if I think its too safe lol. The slit was nice and sexy... but idk. Lol. B+ 

Lupita Nyong'o- This is my favorite dress ever I think. I feel like this is the style that everyone will remember 20 years from now and more... No one else could pull this off but Lupita Nyong'o and for that I give it a solid A+. Also her Make Up was my favorite eyeshadow look of the night. Perfect.

Cate Blanchett- This was a little safe... yet again lol. But I thought it really showed off her curves nicely and it was very flattering. The pop of color made it. Her make up looked very nice. B. 

Rosamund Pike- I'm going back and forth on this also. Rosamund Pike is absolutely beautiful and I was rooting for her to win. I think the dress was risky, she always takes the risk with fashion, but it was so red. Not my favorite color for her, and it was really floral. The cut of the dress is really nice and I thought it looked amazing when she was in interviews, but doesn't show up in photos that well. B+. 

Scarlett Johansson- Yes. I don't think many people could have pulled off that green... but I loved it. It was awesome. Another risk that paid off. A-. 

Marion Cotillard- Marion Cotillard is one of the prettiest actresses and she's always really good... but this dress wasn't flattering. Her hair and make up looked very nice as always, but I hated the dress. It was quite the risk.... but I wish she had made a more flattering risk. C-. 

Emma Stone- I didn't love the dress at first, but it is probably one of my favorites of the night. She looks absolutely stunning. Her hair is usually my favorite and this is no exception and her make up looks great too. This is trendy... but classic and very classy. A+. 

Naomi Watts - I feel like most people hate this dress, but this was one of my faves. I thought it was beautiful and risky and it just made her look absolutely radiant. Because she's so fair and blonde I think this worked really well because it was a very bright dress and it just made her skin look bright and glowy and healthy. A+

Lady Gaga (arrival dress) - Noooo. Love Gaga, loved her performance and her performance dress. But nooo. F. 

Jennifer Lopez- Her dress was amazing. Classic JLo. That is her color. She owned it. I thought her eye make up didn't look good for the red carpet and it was a bit clashy. She had red eyeshadow with a pink lipgloss? Plus she's not really known for pink gloss the way she is for a glowy nude lipstick. Her hair was great too. The dress was so great though, I can totally overlook the make up... which wasn't bad it just didn't look red carpet to me and it clashed. Still gets an A. 
Jennifer Aniston- She had a similar dress to JLo's and I thought it was just as amazing. The color is great, the sparkles were sparkly and the curves were curvy! Loved it! A-. 

Reese Witherspoon- She looked radiant in this dress because of the glow factor I mentioned with Naomi Watts. And it was a nice dress. Reese looks great in color, but this was still risky enough I thought because it was so different. Her contour was muddy looking and terrible though. Girl has cheekbones, why does she need contour? B+. 

Zoe Saldana- She just had twins?????? What the hell! This dress hugged all her curves and it was just hot. She's just super hot. I loved it. I loved that this year, everyone showed their curves. And they looked fantastic. Really sexy and she just looks completely awesome. A+. 

Kerry Washington- She looked so much like Olivia Pope! She's fabulous. Everyone was like "How do you look so skinny and you have a 10 month old" and she's like "it's handled." Bam! It wasn't my favorite look of hers, or the best of the night really, but Kerry Washington can do no wrong. A- 

Julianne Moore- This was a risk. I don't think it paid off all that well, but I think she knew she may be up on that stage and she wanted something that would look really good while she was accepting her award. Other than that, didn't like it much. She has amazing fashion choices most of the time, but this was a bit of a miss for me. C+. 

Jamie Chung- Gorgeous. Different. One of the best, wished she was on stage more. I didn't know who she was, but she played Mulan on Once Upon a Time and she was in Big Hero 6. A+. 

Keira Knightly- Kind of an ugly dress... probably my least favorite of the night, but to be honest I thought she looked really good in it. In the crowd I wasn't a fan of it... but when they show it in pictures, I think it works. C-

Anna Kenderick- The color... the neckline. Just flawless. She was one of the first to arrive on the red carpet, and you could tell that it was the start of a good night because she looked amazing. A. 

The other person I thought looked almost flawless, I'm pretty sure is not even famous, but Eddie Redmayne's wife. Her dress was stunning and she looked completely amazing. The only thing that wasn't great was that it had feathers on the sides that didn't look great... but the dress was so stunning overall that I thought it was just perfect even with the feathers. She gets an A! 

Soooo yeah that is it. Apparently I decided I needed pics for everything anyway... I also thought Robin Roberts had an amazing dress and there were a lot more people I wanted to mention... but here are the highlights. 

