Small but exciting Beauty Haul

So... I bought a lot of clothes today, which I won't be hauling here today... but I wanted to share some of the beauty products because there are some exciting clearance things at Target that I feel the need to share.

First off, I got the American Eagle Live Your Life Perfume. I smelled it last time and I was like "hey I want this," And now I had a 40%off coupon... so that is one thing I got there. It smells a little like Wild Madagascar Vanilla from Bath and Body Works, but like theres something else in there too. I dig it.

And at Target, first off I picked up the Elf shimmering Facial Whip because it was 70 cents and Michelle from ReadySetGorgeous always raves about it, so I needed to try it myself. Its like a pinky mouse highlight. I hear its not easy to apply... I'm usually okay with cream products and it doesn't feel too runny or anything, so I like that.

I got the Simple Moisturizing Facial Wash cause I really do think this is probably best for my dry skin. And in general, I like the brand. I think it works well with my Ponds moisturizer cause I'm pretty sure they're owned by the same company. Its good.

And then I got the exciting part... The Pixi by Petra Ultimate Beauty Kit in the 2nd edition. I'm not sure how much this was originally, I got it for $17 and it comes with 40 eyeshadows and 12 cheek products... which is AWESOME! Its a great little value, it comes with a ton of colors and I think its cool cause the warmer shades are on one side and the cooler shades are on the other, and the blush palette is in the middle. I heard GlamLifeGuru rave about this palette and she did a really pretty look with it. And for all that it is, I think its a great value. I also have been wanting to try a contour kit since there are so many that have been coming out lately, but this has a great contouring shades, some great highlights and pretty blushes also. I know I'll get a ton of use out of this. Also the colors are all really wearable, there are mattes, satins and shimmers. Its very nice overall. I don't know if this is at every target, but if you want some new beauty items, Target had a ton of great clearance items, and if they happen to have this palette, it seems worth it to me. I think I'll give a full first impression on it tomorrow... maybe I'll do swatches even! My lighting/room color might be bad on it though. But I'm really excited for this!

