Things I Like About My Face (and some things I do to help these things out)

So there are so many negative things about us that when we look at ourselves in the mirror... thats all we see. "Ohhh I'm fat." "My Hair Sucks Today" "everything about my face just looks bad." Well today I'm going to stop that and just say "here are some good things about me. Take them if you will!"

First off my eyelashes. I don't get to brag a lot about my features, but I will gladly brag about my long eyelashes. I'm not very skinny, not everything about my face looks that great, but my eyelashes are kind of perfect. I've never worn False Eyelashes... but I've never really wanted to. I tend to go more for mascaras that will really separate my lashes because if they clump up you don't get to see them in their full glory. I also like things that give it more of a shape which is why I like the Butterfly mascaras so much... so yeah. That is a thing.

Sticking to my face, I kind of have a funny skin tone. Its very pale and kind of cool toned but I'm also Greek so theres some oliveyness some places also. It isn't always the easiest to find a foundation match... but its pretty much a safe bet that I'm the lightest shade in any foundation... so I don't have to think about it too much.

I also have dry skin, which can suck at times because foundation can look super cakey on me... but its easy to fix with some moisturizer and more hydrating primers. And its easy to not worry about powders or anything... and if I do look too powdery, the Nyx Dewey Finish Setting Spray really really helps there. There are other high end setting sprays that may

My eyebrows are naturally thick, so I never need to fill them in or anything. There are some areas that sometimes I put powder on... but very rarely do I feel like I need it. I like brow brushes to keep them under control.

I don't often break out... a little while ago I started to break out and I did not understand what was happening and I was like "what? What did I do wrong how did this happen" and I freaked out a bit... but everything was okay. And my skin is pretty normal. Its not bad.

So yeah. I guess I like my face and its okay to like your face! It isn't bragging or anything just I kind of like my face and here are a few good things about it. Its nice. You guys should all do this too. And I'm not saying like "My face is the best. If you have oily skin that sucks for you." Because thats not true, I'm sure everyones face and everyones skin is beautiful. This is just me looking at the mirror and saying "Maybe thats a flaw, but it works for me." Its something everyone should try every now and again.

