Hot Beauty Topics: Becca + Jaclyn Hill Champagne Eyeshadow Palette Controversy And What We can learn from it

So I feel like I want to talk about this because there is a lot to be said about this... I wasn't really going to buy the eye palette. I was thinking of maybe getting Champagne Pop Poured from Becca... but I'm not going to support the company any more... it just bothers me that this happened.

So a small youtuber named Rita B noticed that the Champagne Toast eye palette or whatever wasn't the same quality as the other Becca palettes that she has and loves. They have a very unique formula and I believe she said that they are made with Coffee beans... and she googled the ingredients and they were the same as the Catrice All About Nude palette... which is like $4 or less. And made in China... So you're paying $40 for a Catrice palette... and that's a straight up scam. I'm sorry if you like the palette and think it is worth $40... thats fine... but my advice... you were scammed... take it back, get your money back or just do something about it. Cause that's just wrong. Get the Catrice palette instead or wait till its at Tj Maxx... cause thats not cool.

I know some people are admiring Becca and Jacklyn for getting rid of this palette... And they are losing a lot of money and a lot of customers over this probably... but I can't trust them and I'm trying to limit the brands that I buy from... and I will no longer be buying from Becca and I don't think I'll purchase anything from Jacklyn Hill's brand either. I will continue to subscribe to Jacklyn and I trust her makeup tips and I think she seems like an actual good person... but I just can't trust that. I mean she had a video saying "this is an amazing palette I love it I'm so happy with it" knowing that it wasn't the same. No take backs! Lol.

Anyway there are lots of things to learn from this tiny fiasco... so lets go ahead...

For Consumers 
- Always be conscientious of what you're buying. Lately I feel like I've been impulse-buying things... but really I should wait a little while. A) In case it goes on sale B) To see how other people like it C) to actually research it and see what its made of and if its crap or not.
-Don't believe everything you see online. If someone with 1 Million subscribers says something is amazing... they might not even have tried it. I'm not saying all youtubers are dishonest... but youtube is a business and if someone made the palette... of corse they're going to say they like it. Look for someone that you at least think you can trust. Stephanie Nicole, EmilyNoel83, Vintageortacky, Jenluvsreviews, Kimberly Clark... lots of trustworthy people out there with smaller subscriber numbers. I don't think people like Jacklyn Hill or anyone with 1 million subscribers or more is untrustworthy... I just think maybe take their tips more than their reviews or know who they're sponsored by or whatever first. Idk. That's my thing.
-Don't just buy palettes because of a celebrity name or collab. I know Bunny, LauraLee, Carli Bybel all said that they worked on their palettes for a year... clearly this was not a year long project... it was rushed. So yeah. Not going to be as good if you don't take the time.
-Give the brand your feedback! Kat Von D recently came out with a line of blushes that were getting bad reviews and she pulled them from the shelves right away because she didn't believe in them. Becca and Jaclyn are doing that too.

For Bloggers 
This is the hard part for me... don't buy something just to do a blog on it. Try to come up with other clever ideas for blogs, instagram posts or whatever. My Palette Smackdown idea was kind of from me wanting to shop my stash a little bit more and yeah... just try to be clever and not only rely on reviews of the newest products.

For Celebrities, Youtubers, any collaborating partner 
-Don't just put your name on anything, take your time... make sure something is good and be proud of what you put your name on. This isn't just a palette... this is something that is what people are going to know you for! You want it to be good.
-Be careful with your contracts! I'm sure there was some sort of contract saying Jaclyn needed X number of products for becca a year or whatever... but she could have not signed it or come up with something else.
-Trust who you collab with!

For Brands 
- Don't cut corners!
-Listen to your consumers, Becca did a good job of listening to what people were saying about the palette and they wasted no time pulling it from the collection. At least they were honest after they got caught!

I do think they're only getting rid of it cause they got caught... thats still good though. Other brands would probably get angry at their customers and stuff... but yeah. Its just one of those things. I don't think Becca or Jaclyn Hill need my support anyway, so I don't feel bad that I'm no longer buying from them. Frankly... they're overpriced and I'm not that impressed with whay I have to begin with... so yeah. Not going to buy!

Hope you guys liked this, found this informative... if you love Jaclyn Hill and Becca and you hated this for that reason... fine... just my opinion and I'm pretty open minded and fair... and I'm pretty firm on my opinion here. I'd never say I'd never try them again... but I don't think so. Jaclyn Hill and Becca don't need my support anyway... people are going to buy their stuff anyway... so there you go.



  1. This is such a hot mess! On one hand Jaclyn and Becca listened to the conumer, but the big question... Did they knw it was crap and hoped noone would notice? If so that was a pretty stupid move on their end. Im not sure how i am feeling regarding Jaclyn's character but I do tend to agree with you; her makeup tips are still great but the collabs no more. I am so glad i am one to wait on Jens reviews or the periluvs... I do not temd to jump on the hyped up bandwagon!

    This was a great read Shannon!

    1. Exactly! If this was anything else people would say "oh that's a scam" but because Jaclyn Hill is cute, bubbly and helpful... no one wants to say that. If someone took a bowl from the dollar tree and said it was Swarovski people would call that a scam... I don't see how this is different. Lol.

      Yes! I'm not super into youtube collabs but it'd be so cool if someone we knew had one out!


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