Palette Smackdown: Tarte Showstopper vs Tartelette in Bloom

Before Use: 
Since I've used these palettes before... but not in a little while, I'll do some pros and cons of each one. I also wrote this before... but somehow it got deleted... so yeah. Btw if you're confused about the concept of a palette smack down, here it is broken down in my drugstore palette smack down

Tarte Showstopper 
- This might be my favorite selection of shades. And its pretty unique to have them all in one palette. Idk I feel like I don't have any other palettes that are quite this selection and these are like Shannon colors. I think that's why I got it in the first place. 
- It comes with a blush, bronzer and highlight... so its great for travel. 
-Its really easy to come up with a look because there are so few palettes. 
-Good for a quick look. 

-There aren't many looks you can get with this, just because there aren't many shadows. 
-Its kind of pricey. When I got it it was $38 and I thought that was a great deal because there is a full sized blush in there... but $40 for just a few shadows and a blush doesn't seem like a deal. I know its a $2 difference... but it makes a difference. You know? 
-There's no real light matte color... not a huge issue... but I like a matte light color for my highlight on my browbone because there are some noticeable veins... but yeah. Its not terrible. 

Tartelette In Bloom 

-Its a mostly matte palette, so you could do a completely matte look... but there are also 3 shimmer shades so you can get an all matte look or a pop of shimmer really easily. 
-Lots of options for looks. 
-Best packaging for any palette in my opinion. It opens and closes easily and tightly. Its pretty, it would be great for travel because its just really sturdy and nice. I really like it! 

- Sometimes more shade options can be a bad thing.
-It's not an all-in one palette, so if you travel you'll need to bring a blush, bronzer, highlight. Not necessarily a bad thing... but you know. Its kinda easy to just have an all in one thing.
-Its not quite as unique with its shadow selection. 

While Using: 

Tarte Showstopper 

1st Use: That was so quick! Its really great for a quick look! I like the look. It lasted a long time... and it was really easy to use because it was so quick. 

2nd Use: Okay the gold color in this palette isn't all that pigmented... and it didn't really last all that long... I may have gotten hardpan... so yeah. 

Thoughts: I think I know which one is the winner after my second time using this... lol. And I only used the Tartelette in Bloom once. 

Palette 2: 

1st Use: This was surprisingly just as quick and easy, although not an all in one palette! The mattes were easy to blend it wasn't that hard to come up with looks for... it was really good! 

Thoughts: I need to use this more! It's such a good palette! And I can come up with some really good looks with this! I think I did one of my favorite looks with this a while ago. 

Tartelette in Bloom, hands down! Its just so good and such an easy to use palette! I really like it! 

Tune in Next time to see this palette face the Lorac Pro 2... because I think the reasons I love this palette are the same as why I love the Pro 2. So while I think the color scheme makes more sense to compare to the Lorac Pro... I think I like the Pro 2 for the same reasons that I like this. So yeah. That will be my next palette smackdown! 



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