Worth it Wednesday: Sigma Dry n Shape Brush Tower for Eye and Face

So... this is something I got on sale around the holidays... and while it isn't my favorite thing to use and its not the easiest for me... it kind of solves a problem in the best way possible for me... so it is definitely worth the sale price... but I don't really think it's for everyone and it took me a little bit of getting used to... I've only really used it twice... but the second time was really a lot better for me... so I think I have it figured out.

It holds 24 eye brushes and 20 face brushes... which is a lot... but it is hard to have 44 brushes in there all at once... I would recommend either doing eye brushes or face brushes and not really both at the same time. I think I'm just going to do one or the other. Or do all my eye brushes I'm currently using and then just the few face brushes that I've been using... not everything at once... which sort of defeats the purpose of having so many slots. But anyway... yeah its still the best solution to the problem I have with drying brushes.

The thing I sort of didn't like is that this was designed for Sigma brushes... which makes sense... but I don't have that many Sigma brushes... so it doesn't really work that well for my brushes. They kind of fall out and it just gets a little frustrating if you have a lot of brushes in there and then you have to put them all back in... it's kind of hard. If you have arthritis... I don't think this would work, unless you have enough sigma brushes to fill it up with... it is kind of convenient... just not my favorite thing ever.

It is very easy to assemble and to store away... so that's a plus. I think if it goes on sale its worth trying... but for  $50... that's a little much. For the sale price... as I said, it does solve a problem in the easiest way for me. So I think it was worth it... but I don't think I'd pay full price. I might actually try one of the ones that are just for eyes or something if it goes on sale again... but right now I don't really need or want anything from Sigma right now... so yeah. That is everything.

Also I would look on Pinterest for brush cleaning hacks and see if any of those work for you... there are a lot of hacks for them... they just don't really work for me personally. But if they're easier and they work for you... thats awesome! As I said... this is the easiest solution for me and if it is the easiest solution for you, I'd say it is definitely worth it... but $50 plus shipping is a little much.

Byeee! Hope this was helpful!
