Favorite Youtube Beauty Vloggers

Sooo... today I didn't feel like wearing make up or testing anything for reviews... its kind of the snowpocolypse here, not really bad... but still I'm not going anywhere other than my house... so I thought I'd mention some of my favorite beauty youtubers because these are who I find most helpful and have the best reviews and when I say something like "I picked this up because I heard good reviews" or "I didn't really want to try that because I've heard its bad" these are the people I trust on those issues.

And I watch a lot of youtube beauty gurus and most of them are pretty popular... but these videos help me, and might help other people. These aren't really in any order.

EmilyNoel83- First on the list is probably my favorite. Emily has 2 channels, the channel that I just mentioned plus she has BeautyBroadcast where she does quick mini reviews. She used to post on Beauty Broadcast 5 days a week, but she's scaled down a little bit because she is a new Mommy. One of the things I really like and respect about her is that she doesn't do sponsored videos at all. I don't think there is anything wrong with sponsored videos, its often helpful and it helps the youtubers themselves get a little money too. I just like knowing that there is still someone on youtube just reviewing make up because she genuinely likes doing it and is completely honest with her reviews. She also does a good mix of drugstore and high end make up. And she doesn't include too too many super high end brands or anything. I feel like I'm less likely to watch if people where mostly Chanel and Dior and those super fancypants brands. Not that those are bad either, but its just nice that there is a nice balance.She's also super nice. She used to do a live BeautyVlogCast every Thursday and I think she has done them a few times since having her baby. She responds to comments a lot too, which is always really nice. Right now she's doing a big award show called "The Emily Awards" in which she mentions all of her favorites in every category, and she includes both Drugstore and High End... so that is cool. And her husband does reviews on Fridays on her BeautyBroadcast channel, which is cool too!

GlamLifeGuru- I love Tati aka Glamlifeguru... I think her name now is just Tati... but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway she does really useful videos 5 days a week. She has a bit of a mix of everything also, she does high end products, couponing videos, drugstore videos, tip videos. She does Hot or Not reviews every Thursday on different products. She's really helpful and just knows her stuff and knows what she's talking about. I feel like she likes a lot of products that aren't talked about quite as much too. Some of her Holy Grail products are things I've never really heard of, and that is always interesting to see. She also has a really cute dog that looks just like my dog.

HollieEatsLipstick- I have to admit, I subscribed to her because I thought her username was really cute and funny. One of the reasons I like her is that she's got similar skin issues to me. She has very dry skin and she's very fair and cool toned. She's also only a little bit younger than me, so we aren't far apart in age. She also shops for her drugstore make up at Harmon and so do I, so I know kind of whats available there and how much it is and stuff like that. She does a lot of reviews that are very detailed and she buys a lot of new drugstore products before most people. She is also super super cool and really nice. She has a picture of Bill Murray in the background of her videos and she always responds to comments also.

ReadySetGlamour- Another person I like a lot because she has dry skin! Yayyy! I feel like everyone I watched on youtube a few years ago always had oily skin, so I'm happy that I've found more dry-skinned people! She does really great reviews, good swatch videos and a lot of tutorials. She also has a really nice beauty room and she's done some DIY videos decorating for it. She does a lot of nice make up looks also, she has some really nice everyday looks and some more dramatic looks. She also uses a good mixture of Drugstore and High End make up, which I always like. She also always responds to comments and if you have an extra question or something about a product, she will gladly answer it.

KathleenLights- I feel like I'm kind of saying the same things here. She has dry skin too, she's really nice and she's funny to watch. She is also the same age as me, I'm older than her by like a little bit, but I always find that helpful. She does a lot of lip swatch videos also. Her friend YoungWildAndPolished is also very funny and really helpful when it comes to reviews and stuff like that. She's just fun to watch, I could watch her videos like all day and be really entertained. I'm not trying to say that their channels are similar at all, they have different skin tones, different skin types, different ages and in different states too... but they are both fun and funny to watch. Nicole from Young Wild and Polished is also Greek, which is pretty cool! Lol.

I feel like there are so many people I watch, but this is all I'm mentioning for now because I don't want to be like "They're nice and funny and pretty and do this and that." So yeah... lol.

