What's in My Bag- Winter 2015 Big Mossimo Bag edition!

So I recently got a very large bag from Target's Mossimo brand and I've filled it up with a bunch of things... so I thought I'd let you know everything that I keep in this gigantic bag and I'll show pictures and stuff. Everything is just stuff I've pulled out, nothing cleaned out or anything... its just what I have in my bag!

So something cool about this bag is that it has a big pocket on the outside of the bag, so I'll show that first... and nothing is in there currently.... LOL! You know what this bag was dumped out recently because I broke a necklace and had it in that part and I wanted to get it out so that it didn't fall out and my dog would get it or something... Some of the things I usually keep in there might be in the "Big Daddy" part of the purse, so I will let you know if I change things. That is funny. Lol. There is a pocket with a snap... it doesn't look like that in the pic, but its a good snap closure so not everything will fall out... but like if you're holding The Ring before going to Mount Doom or anything like that... I wouldn't keep it in there because it isn't quite as secure. I don't think it will fall out, but it isn't impossible.

I have a hair tie, that should probably go in that back pocket part. I have long hair and it gets hot from time to time.

I have a Revo Lip Balm from their fall collection. This is in the Candy Corn flavor and it tastes like Rice Crispies. Really good for moisturizing and a great flavor.

I have a little moleskin notebook. I'm a writer, if I get an idea for something on the go, I'll write it down. Also if there is something I want to buy I'll jot it down on a list and when I go to whatever place I'll look for that.

I have a warm headband... idk how to describe these, the headband earmuffs type of things. Its cute and pink and my sister found it somewhere in New York and got it for me for Christmas. Its good if I'm not wearing a hat and it gets cold.

I have a little make up bag that came with the Batiste dry shampoo mini set from Ulta. I like that its clear, I used to keep it in the bag I got from Sephora but then I was going to Sephora one day and I realized that would look bad if I had a make up bag from sephora in my purse... idk lol.

So HERES A META WHATS IN MY BAG IN MY BAG! Lol in this bag I have a Batiste Dry Shampoo mini in the leopard print packaging. Sometimes, I've been out and I've been like "man I wish I had some dry shampoo" so now I just have it in here. I have the covergirl Ready Set Gorgeous Powder... which I don't use a whole whole lot on the go... but its nice to have on me. I have a Hershey's Kisses Hand Cream and I love this. Its really moisturizing and it smells like chocolates! Idk how readily available this is for purchase, my cousins got it at Hershey Park, so if you go there look for this. It might be in an Its Sugar or something like that too. Its just fun to have or give as a gift. I have another hand cream too, Gold Bond Ultimate Healing with Aloe... I love the smell of this and this hand cream works really well. I have a powderpuff for my Covergirl powder. And I have a Pacifica Rollerball in Tuscan Blood Orange... which is awesome!

I have one glove! Idk if my other glove is in here or not... guess we shall see. I may have left the other one in my dads car or my coat pocket... I'll look for that.

I have my wallet. I really don't like buying wallets, and I use them to death, so a couple years ago I just decided to buy a "grown up" wallet from Coach and it's been good since then. Its good because its a nice big wallet that first a lot of stuff, but its also small so it can fit in the smallest purse I have and I just like it a lot. To me it looks pink, at Coach they refer to it as "Punch Colored" so thats cool! Lol.

I have a tin from my Bite Beaty Remix set. I just like to keep the tin in my bag because it has such a big mirror and its easy to find if I need a lip product from there. Inside I keep a Lypsyl lip balm in Honey Berry and a Burt's Bee's Pumpkin Spice. Both of these flavors taste amazing!

I have a hand sanitizer, this is probably the first of many in here. This is Bath and Body Works Merry Cookie. And I like it.

I have another Revo Lip Balm, again from their fall collection. Its the Black Cherry version. This I think I'm going to keep out of my purse because the packaging is black and it can be really hard to find in the bag because the lining is black also. I put some on now cause I like the flavor so much.

I have a Too Faced Melted Liquified Lipstick in Melted Peony. If this fit in that little tin, I would keep it in there. It might fit in the back pocket... but I'm afraid of losing this there cause its expensive lol. I really like this and I kind of want more... Next time I'm at Ulta I may grab Melted Fig. Lol.

I have my old glasses in their case. These are only like a year old and I still like them and would definitely still wear them, but I did get another pair because my dog got these and they have puppy teeth marks on the side. Not noticeable.... but still. I also keep these in here just in case I wear contacts, I usually wear glasses in the winter, but if I have contacts these are good for that.

I have Ulta holiday Cookie anti-bacterial wipes! My sister got these for me for Christmas and I have not opened them yet... but I love their Holiday Cookie hand cream, so I'm excited for these! It says face and body, don't think I'd use these on my face, but for my hands I like them lol.

Another Hand Sanitizer! This is also from Bath and Body works it is in Cocoa Mint.

Another Hand Sanitizer! This is a spray and I usually keep this in that back pocket also. It is also from bath and body works and I think its new, you can just spray it on your hand and rub it in. Thats handy... no pun intended. Lol. The scent on this is Coconut Lime Verbeana and I like it a lot!

And... another hand sanitizer! Lol I have so many I just keep a bunch in my purse. This one is Iced Gingerbread

I have a Stila Lip Gloss. These are so easy to apply that they kind of live in my purse lol. This is in Apricot, so its a nice neautraly orangey shade.

I have my other glove! Thats good to know. These are tech gloves, idk what brand they are... but I believe they were from Tj Maxx

And I have another hand cream. I may take one of these out and put them on my desk cause this is a lot lol. This is the Cococare Cocoa butter cream. These are really good, my mom says they are the best so she got a bunch from Harmon's when they were 88 cents.

I have a cute pack of tissues from kleenex. I may put these in that little back pocket if they fit cause I always need tissues and I don't like looking for them too much.

I have a mirror. This is from Avon, it lights up, so if I'm in the dark and I need to check myself, I will use this.

Another Hand sanitizer! This is in Snow Man Pop.Idk what this one smells like so I'm going to apply some now. Ohhh it says marshmallow on the thing and it really smells like marshmallow and kind of like popcorn. That is nice! I only have one of these... I kind of hope they still have some so I can get more lol! As you can tell I love Bath and Body Works Hand Sanitizers.

We are nearing the end of my bag. I have these two little tins that my mom got from CVS. One is a Rudolph Tin and it has cinnamon candies in it and the other is the Abominable Snowman and it has gum in it. The gum is just small chicklet-type gum but you can blow really big bubbles with it! And the cinnamon candy is really good too.

I have a receipt from CVS. I got one of the new Rimmel Matte Show Off thingys and a milani eyeshadow the other day.

I have another hair tie. These hair ties are those ribbony looking ones. I just like those a little better for my thick hari.

I have another hand sanitizer in an owl case from Bath and Body Works. This scent is in Pumpkin Cupcake... one of my favorites.

And last but... probably the most exciting is this keychain with an S on it that I have attached to a Multi Tool pocket knife thingy lol! I don't drive so I don't have keys but I like this little multi tool thing to be attached to something in case I need it. And this isn't just a knife, there is a nail file and scissors and a wrench... so if I'm out and I need scissors I always have them... plus it makes me feel safe. I also have a can of pepper spray but thats in another purse... I should find that.

And usually I bring my phone with me... but since I'm just home I obviously don't have it in my purse.

