I got a hair cut!!!!

Yes my exciting news for today is that I got a haircut! And its pretty short now and I'm excited for it. I feel like a lot of people with short hair are like "I just feel so much more like myself with short hair." And I think that is a little silly... but I feel better about myself now. I mean I think I will at least. My hair is very dry and frizzy and when its long it just dries itself out so much. Now that its short, I feel like moisture will actually be a thing again. Lol.

I've mentioned I use Ouidad hair products, I get the Ouidad hair cut from a Salon called Salon Coco Bond. This is a fancy salon, but its a chain... idk how many there are. There's one in NJ and I think a few in New York and maybe other places... I highly recommend going to the salon and getting this hair cut if you have naturally curly hair. The products are great, I don't curl my hair or heat style it at all, but I still get nice curls.

I don't think I'll be using different hair products or anything. I may add some products, but I think I've got the general routine I want... so I will keep you updated. I may do more hairstyles with it too because I feel like I can actually do things with my hair again and it won't look like crap... so yeah!

Here it is still a little wet.

There it is dry and you can see my face.

Here you can see the length a little better, but you can't really see my face. lol.

This is when I put it in a ponytail and a little curlycue hung down and I was like "WHAT IT DOES THIS NOW!" So yeah I was excited.

Hope you guys found this helpful! I'll keep you informed on what happens with it!


P. S idk if I have a picture showing the complete length of my hair when it was long... but it was like Rapunzel length! And now it is not!
