Super Easy Hair Look

This is going to be a short post because it's such an easy look! This is with 2nd Day hair... and I used to do this a lot in college, but I just think it looks cool and it's something a little bit different.

Take 2 strands of hair like you're going to do a braid and just sort of do a double twist and then clip it to the back of your head. I used a hair clip like the clicky kind and then put another clip with a bow on it over that... and voila!

Super easy, looks really unique... and I just think it kind of makes 2nd Day hair look a little bit different. I was having a pretty good hair day... my 2nd day hair is usually quite flat... I think maybe because I only used a little bit of my hair products it didn't weigh it down as much... but there you go! Nice voluminous hair in a nice twist with a cute bow!
This is a little bit of what it looks like from the front! 

Hope this was helpful!

