Tag Thursday: The Fall Favorites Tag

So I've been looking for a new Fall Tag to do and then Jacklyn Hill goes and makes a new one! Its kind of similar to the I <3 Fall Tag... but whatever its new lol and I'm going to do it. Side Note: I'm a pretty new subscriber to Jacklyn Hill... I'm late to the bandwagon... She is super adorable and fun to watch! Big Woman Crush Wednesday!

I'm also really excited about this month because October is the best month ever because ITS MY BIRTHDAY MONTH! So lets kick it off with a fun fall tag!

Anyway onto the questions!

Favorite Candle
I don't personally burn candles in my room. I do buy candles for my parents and we have a lot that my dad burns while he has a fire on... so those are more wintery... I use wallflowers from Bath and Body Works in my room because I like my room to smell like pumpkins... but I'm just going to cheat and put everything down. Lol.

So for candles that my dad burns there's a small candle company called Our Candle Company and they have a really great smelling candle that is called... Smell My Nuts! Lol. We bought this candle for the name... but we've repurchased it several times because it smells so good. Its like Banana bread and other nutty scents and I really like it. Idk how readily available this scent is... but its called Smell My Nuts... How could you not buy that candle?

There's also a marshmallow candle from Yankee Candle that my sister and her fiancé got for us last year I think that smells amazing. It smells the whole house up like marshmallows and its so so good. Not sure what its called but pick it up, it is awesome.

And my favorite wallflower that I'm going to have to buy more of is the Pumpkin Caramel Swirl from Bath and Body Works. I really like all of their pumpkin scents and they last me a good long time, but the Pumpkin Caramel Swirl is special. I still have some of their other pumpkin scents from last year so I don't know that I'll repurchase a ton more... but caramel Pumpkin Swirl is great.

Favorite Lip Color
This switches a lot for fall and stuff but right now I really like the Neutrogena Moisture Smooth Color Stick in Rich Rasin. Its so dark and pretty when you first apply it and it goes on so nice and easily and it leaves behind a really pretty stain that looks like a 90's type of lip. These are really comfortable and they smell a little weird... I get like a peach oatmeal type of scent or something... don't know why... but I like it and its a little overpowering at first, but it goes away quick and these are such great products that it doesn't hurt really.

Favorite Drink
The PSL. Big fan. I've had a bunch already and they just get better and better every year.

Favorite Blush 
Hmm... this one is tricky. I'm going to say Benefit's Dandelion, which is really great for all year long. There's just something about a nice light cool pink on my super pale skin in the fall and winter that I like. I also like Rockateur a lot... which is kind of a more traditional fall color, and today I wore Coralista, and as summery as that color is its a really great orange that looks great with a warmer lid for fall. I really liked the way it looked with the look I wore today. (Which was my how to-sday look yesterday. I will link.)

Favorite Clothing Item
I love boots. Regular Boots, Ugg Boots... all kinds of boots. They are so comfy most of the time and really cute. I love when its finally too warm for me to wear Uggs... but I always get a little sad because I fricking love Ugg Boots. They are my jam... I have 4 pairs... and not like the regular ones... I have the glittery ones and the knit ones, I feel like those are slightly cooler than the regular ones. I realize these are out of style and a lot of people hate Ugg Boots... I don't give a crap. Lol. I really like them and I do get complimented a lot on my Ugg Boots... so call me basic but you gotta love Uggs!

Favorite Fall Movie
One of my favorite movies ever is Addams Family Values. I feel like this works any time of year, but because they do show it a lot around halloween and I do really love the Thanksgiving part... It is particularly a great Fall Movie.

Favorite Fall TV Show
All of them... lol. Right now I'm really excited for the return of How To Get Away With Murder... that always ends on such a good cliffhanger and I just love it. I love Viola Davis she actually favorited a tweet I wrote so we're like BFFs now... and yeah I just love the show.

Also nothing really says Fall quite like AHS and I'm really really excited about it this year because LADY GAGA IS ON! I'm a big Gaga fan and I love it.

I'm also currently watching Supernatural... which is great for October and also bingeing on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Arrow. I am kind of still bingewatching The X Files which I love, but thats not really a bingewatch show and I'm taking a little break so that maybe I can finish some of these shows before they come back.

And I'm excited for the premiere of The Muppets. I really love TV... so this was an exciting question.

(I'm posting this October 1st but I wrote this September 19th... just realized that now.)
Favorite Thanksgiving Food 
My mom makes THE BEST sweet potatoes. She uses a recipe that Ruth's Chris Steakhouse uses where they put walnuts on top... so delicious and crunchy and good. I really like it.

And I have to give a shout out to an old favorite... Stovetop Stuffing. I really don't like any stuffing other than Stovetop. If you are a chef of the world's greatest stuffing... I probably still like Stovetop better because thats just tradition for me and I like it. Last year my mom was making Stuffing for thanksgiving the night before and Stir Fry for us for dinner that night... the two foods together smells absolutely wonderful. I really want to try stuffing with stir fry one day.

And since I'm doing 1 million answers to all of these, my Nana makes really great Turkey soup and I love a nice Thanksgiving Day sandwich the next day.

Favorite Halloween Costume

I've had so many good ones over the years... that I'm probably going to list a million more... 

Last Year I was a Minion which was a lot of fun. I love Minions and thats just such a fun, easy costume that its great. Plus Overalls are really comfy and I had a great pocket in the front for my cell Phone. Love that. 

My friend Tori's mom always makes really beautiful costumes and she made us all Alice in Wonderland costumes one year and I was the Queen of Hearts and that was really fun. My friend's boyfriend at the time was the King of Hearts so we took a picture of him kissing her because she was Alice and me looking angry and going "Off with your head." We also stumbled upon a house where people were just getting rid of stuff and we found a giant antique looking clock... so we picked that up and had the greatest picture ever! 

One year when I went to Disney we found a cool pirate costume in the gift shop of the Pirates of The Caribbean ride and I got that and wore if for Halloween... that was a cool one. 

And last but certainly not least... In 6th Grade I was obsessed with Celebrities and I would watch this terrible paparazzi show on E! called Celebrities Uncensored (they were censored by the way... it wasn't like a sex show or something weird like that, it just showed the celebrities being followed by the paps.) and they showed Paris Hilton in every episode and this was before The Simple Life and before she was really famous... but I was really really annoyed by her being in every episode... so I decided to kill her in my halloween costume. I had a blonde wig and I wore a black dress and had zombie makeup and I was Dead Paris Hilton... and it was literally DAYS before the Sex Tape came out and everyone knew who she was. So people at the door were probably really confused when I told them who I was... and then a few days later they were probably like "Ohhhhh." So THAT was a good one. 

And yeah that is everything. If you read this I TAG YOU TO DO THIS YOU MUST OBEY OR FACE THE BREAKING A TAG CURSE MWHAHAHAAHAHA. Jk I just wanted to put a hallloween-ish spin on it. There is no curse! Do this if you want and if you don't don't. Its fun! 

