Random Post: Always Read the Label

Soooo I thought I would mention this... just cause.

Recently I mentioned loving Philosophy's Spiced Gingerbread body wash, and I still do, this is a brand I like and a brand I will continue to use and I would even repurchase from... but damn they have a scary warning label! It said may irritate skin, which is scary to begin with. Shower gel typically goes on your skin... it shouldn't irritate it, but I guess some people may be sensitive or might not react well to the gingerbread. That makes sense. And then it said "may cause urinary tract infection." And I was like.... well thats not good.

I wonder how that happened? I guess somewhere along the line it irritated someone's downstairs and that happened... so if you have sensitive skin... which you know downstairs is pretty sensitive, so thats a thing. Maybe someone used it as a Summer's Eve type of thing... idk. I don't want to wonder how that happened.

If you have very sensitive skin, I would avoid using scented body wash to begin with. I have dry and sensitive skin, I've never had any issue with Philosophy products and I've used them quite a bit. Sephora used to give out a good size of the Birthday Cake shower gel for their free birthday gift and I've gotten the pumpkin and apple as a gift before... and I've never been irritated by it. I think its a good gift to give and if you want something for yourself its great... but don't be distracted by the cute recipe on the front label to not know about the back label.

Also... I probably wouldn't pay full price for something that comes with a warning like that! Just saying thats a scary thing and for $21 or whatever if it irritates your skin... thats not worth it. I found it at TJ Maxx for $12 so I would go with that instead of paying $21 dollars for it at sephora. Lol.

So as Mrs. Featherbottom says "You should always read the label. Always read it well! In the most delicious way!"

Byee! I'll probably see you later today at some point!
