Fragrance Freak Friday: Bath and Body Works Pink Chiffon

This idea came to me in the bath... where all good ideas come from. I think I'll do this every other week. I have an insane collection of fragrance mists, mostly from Bath and Body Works, some from other places... but you know how fragrance sales can make you kind of a hoarder... thats exactly what happened! Lol.

So basically I'll wear one of these mists every day Monday-Friday and then I'll kinda do a little log of what I thought of it throughout the week... any memories I have with it... stuff like that. This might be kinda boring, but I don't think it will be! When I got this I believe I was a Sophomore in college. Whenever Bath and Body works Re-vamped their packaging. I got the mini of this and a couple of other scents when the minis were 3 for $9... so it was super affordable and then I liked it enough to get the full size. So I do have both.

I was very obsessed with smelling like desserts back then. I liked wearing cupcake things and smelling like sweet desserts or candy and this smelled like Cotton Candy to me... so I needed it in my life. And this was going to be my signature scent and everyone would be like "Shannon always smells like Dessert". And then I got older and was like... "Yeah. This is fun...but I can understand why people don't always want to smell like Dessert.

Does it bring back any memories? 
It reminds me a little of the end of my sophomore year of college. I probably wore this working at my old job and I probably wore it on some dates with the guy I dated at the time. This is one of those scents that smells really good when you get in the car with someone and I was in the car with my cousin and she was like "wow you smell really good!" And it was from this I think. I didn't even remember putting it on... but it gets stronger in the car I guess!

The scent doesn't last too long... but it isn't too bad either for bath and body works. I feel like this isn't bringing back any specific memories... but it is nice and exciting. I keep spraying it and it smells really girly and pretty. Its making me think of when I worked at New York and Company a little bit so its bringing back some good memories.

I didn't use the spray too much today... or maybe I just didn't notice it on because my sister spilled poo- porri in her pocketbook and that is all I've smelled all day... and it smells pretty good I like Poo Pourri... it works that's all I'll say haha! But not too much about the Pink Chiffon scent.

I felt like I got really stinky at the end of the day... so it doesn't totally cancel out stinkiness.

Today I was in a pretty good mood for no apparent reason. My friend sent me some samples of things and she scent a fragrance that smells really familiar. I don't remember how it smells familiar.. but it does. Doesn't have to do with this scent and I didn't try that yet... but still interesting.

I feel like wearing one scent a week has sort of helped improve my mood. I don't really know! Its just nice to sort of have the same theme all around me this week. I didn't think it would change my mood or make a huge difference... but I really think it has!

Didn't do too much today. Reading The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes, which I will have a review on my other blog later... but so far I really like it and this fragrance is making me feel more like an awesome LadyBoss because of it. I feel very powerful and motivated... and I didn't get tired of it at all... which is especially good!

So I haven't worn it for that long today... its only 10:00 as I'm writing this... but Its helped a little bit. I was up late last night and I was up early this morning... so I didn't get much sleep but I'm in a good mood and I like the Cotton-Candiness of it all... so I think this was really cool! I'm a big fan! I highly recommend wearing one scent for a week straight... or maybe alternate between 2... just because this made me feel like I had a better week. I didn't totally have any memories or anything that were associated with this scent... but I liked it! It was nice to have a theme for the week!

So that is everything! Next Week I will have a First Impression, and then the following week I think I'll do a Fragrance Freak Friday on Paris Amour... which I got around the same time and I feel as connected with it... so yeah!

