First Impression Color Correcting: Thoughts, Uses, Is it Worth The Hype? Will I be trying more?

So when I saw that color correcting was the new contouring (or is it the new strobing? I don't think Strobing totally took off cause everyone loves highlighter anyway...)

But I saw this Nyx Color Correcting palette and I thought... Alright... if I'm going to get in on a trend, I'm gonna need to use Nyx. Cause no way am I buying a $40 or $50 one... I'm low maintenance when it comes to trends... except highlighting. Lol. 

And I'll kind of be going over this in my Monday Musts... but I loved it! It was wayyy easier than I thought it would be... I only used 3 of the colors... which I'll kind of talk about... but I loved it. It wasn't super scary and it worked. 

But first I want to mention... this is a completely bizarre concept for me... cause I don't get it. I think if you have a good enough foundation, why the heck do you need to color correct... also if you want a light coverage look, won't color correcting make it heavy? Is it just for photos or is it practical in real life? Can you see the colors on your face? That sort of stuff. 

How I used it/ The Colors 
So I used the yellow, the green and the pink salmony color (the one next to the purple) and I feel like these are the 3 I'm going to get the most use out of. 

First I primed with the Smashbox Primer Water, then I went under my eyes with the salmon color. And that I just used like normal concealer. My chin is always very dry, so I used the green to cancel the redness on there. And my browbone has dark veins so I put the yellow on them... and I brought it onto my eyelids because I thought why not? I thought my chin looked a lot less cakey because I put the green on it, my undereyes looked pretty bright because of the salmon under my concealer and the yellow base really canceled out the veins and it made my NYC Cityproof primer go on really really well and smoothly... and actually my eyeshadow lasted a little longer with that too. 

I used conclealer brushes and those flat foundation brushes that come in every kit... that I don't like usually and i think they're kind of a cheap throw-in... and that worked great with the color correcting. Especially on the chin, I thought the larger foundation brushes were pretty prefect for that... so those have another good use. 

I'm not quite sure how to use the other 3 colors in this palette... lol. I know the purple is for dullness... but I'm not sure really where that will be. I might try putting that on my lower lip and cupids bow... maybe my forehead? I tried putting it on my chin... and idk. I put it on over foundation, I guess that could work there too because I have dry dull skin there... but I think the green works better for that. Not sure. 

There's a darker orange in here... thats supposed to be for darker skintones... maybe that would work mixed with the yellow, or as an eye base also. These blend out really easily, so I don't think it would show up too dark there... actually... I'm gonna try it now... just to play.... yeah! That's actually close to my skintone too, so if I wanted a true no makeup makeup look, I'll put this on and just pop something in the crease and then where some mascara and eyeliner maybe. Idk... that'd be cool. Lol. You could also use these to prime the lips... but that hurts owww. Lol.

But yeah. This is a handy little set... multiple uses.

Worth the hype? 
Again, I don't 100% understand the concept... but I think so cause I loved it and I realized its handy for multiple things and it does work. I noticed a difference in the places I color corrected and for my chin... its a big deal. I know people say don't do this every day... but I'm probably gonna use it every day. I'm getting my 11.99's worth! Lol.

Will I try more? 
Idk... maybe if more drugstore brands get this... I'll try the Elf Powder color corrector thing, and I know Ulta's in house brand has one I might try... but idk. I'm not going to buy any expensive ones... cause I don't think you need several, and I'm pretty picky with concealer to begin with... and I probably won't use a lot of the shades, it isn't like I'm working on people... but I do like color correcting, so its something I'd like to maybe try other drugstore brands... but I like this one overall.

Byeee! Hope this was useful!

P.S- I figured out how to kind of do it from this video. I don't know this girl or anything, but I thought this was helpful. She doesn't use every shade or do heavy instagram makeup or anything, she just does the color correcting for what she needs... and thats always good to look for. Cause really you don't need full color correcting every day... but a little is good! 
