First Impression Friday: Too Faced Better Than Sex Waterproof Mascara

I have sensitive eyes and I prefer cruelty free mascaras for that reason... but the regular Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara never quite worked out for me. The wand is a little too big, it was a little too messy and smudgy... so I was super excited when they came out with a waterproof version. It also doesn't hurt that this has the best packaging of all time... but thats beside the point! Lol.

First Application 
I have to admit... I was skeptical when I applied this. Thick formula+ big ass wand... no bueno... and it didn't exactly smudge... but I did give it the setting spray test and it failed miserably! I sprayed my face after applying it and it flaked right underneath it... so I was skeptical... but it wiped off easily and that wasn't any problem.
I'm wearing mascara on my left eye and none on my right! 
slight fail on the setting spray... but thats alright! 

3 hours later... 
Still good! In tact, long and beautiful. o flaking, no smudging. I was wearing contacts and my allergies were bothering me a tiny bit... but still no flaking!

I love this pic! Lashes look so lash-y! 

8 hours after application 
Still just as good. Some mild eye rubbing might have happened too... I know my allergies were a little bit more bothersome then... but it still held up exactly the same... and an 8 hour wear mascara is really great. Super impressive so far!

9 hours after 
My eyeshadow rubbed off, but the mascara was still on! Really great!
see theres no shadow on my right... but the mascara is still fine! 

13 hours later...Plus a bath, eye rubbing and taking out contacts 
So it only started to smudge when I rubbed my eyes... but not bad! Its a 13 hour wear mascara and that is awesome! And it didn't smudge so badly that it was hard to remove or anything. It wasn't the easiest mascara to remove... I've been using Ulta's Amped Lashes in the Waterproof formula and I think I had more problems with this mascara than with that one... but it wasn't so hard that I felt my lashes were going to fall out or anything. I do think I'm going to try the Mascara Melt Off from Too Faced also... just because I think its a good idea and I probably do need a lash conditioner. Plus if my eyes ever do bother me, that would be easy to throw in my purse and take off my mascara with.

So overall, I'd totally recommend this mascara! Its probably a holy grail mascara for me now... don't 100% quote me on that! I always feel like I love mascara when I first try it but the more you use it the worse it can get sometimes... I have a good feeling about this one though! I will update you in a favorites or an empties if this continues to work great.

Is it worth $23... honestly nothing is worth the price that it is! Lol. But yes, I would purchase this again even if it wasn't on sale. That's how much I love it! I'm not a high end mascara person at all either... but if the drugstore keeps raising its prices and not working for me... I'm going to stick with this and bare minerals which aren't that expensive in comparison!
partied hard guys... lol 

