My "Backups" Collection

I was out of ideas for a post today... not even going to lie. Lol. But I figured why not talk about all the makeup I have backups of? Beauty products also.... mostly non makeup products... but I thought I'd do a post on it.

I have several back up shower gels because there is always some sort of sale at Bath and Body Works or Ulta... so I have enough shower gels to never have an excuse for smelling bad. Lol. I mostly have Bath and Body Works, I have a couple Philosophy shower gels... and I have some unfinished Ulta shower Gels that I want to try and use up! There is a lot!

I almost always have a backup of shaving cream... but I don't have any right now. I'm going to have to get some more. Also I don't have a backup of Nail Polish Remover! I always run out. Its a little easier now that its a pump... but I still need a backup lol.

I usually have my deodorant backed up because I get that at BJ's. Lol.

I have... a lot of lotions... need to use those up.

I have a backup of my Benefit Erase Paste... cause I'm almost out and I'll be sad when that goes... but I feel like I've got a few months left of that. Lol.

I also have a lot of mascara backups. Mostly what I have backed up is the Ulta Amped Lashes and the Waterproof Topcoat. I also have a bare minerals Lash Domination Backup because there was an ulta sale and I thought I might use it!

I think that is everything. I have a few bath and body works backups... I have 2 Sweet on Paris and 2 Oahu fragrances... so thats kinda what I like.

And thats it... not a super interesting post... but its always nice to see what's important enough to get backups of. I probably should stop doing that...

Ohhh and Purity Made Simple. I love this stuff, its the only stuff that works for me and it works really well.

