Finish 4 Minis By The End Of The Month

I have far too many mini lotions and perfumes... so I decided to start a new challenge where I take a month and I try to finish 4 products (for now) up by the end of the month. I kind of wanted to do a "blogmas" look or something every day next month... so I'm not sure what will happen exactly... but I'll update this somehow.

First mini up will probably be the hardest one to finish up... but I think it can be done. Plum Moscato and Almond Harvest from Bath and Body Works. This is half full and I am doing a Fragrance Freak Friday on this this week I believe... so it should be possible to finish up the last little bit of it. I really like the scent, I have a funny story with it that I'll try to remember to tell on Friday but yeah. Its a good one, I just need to empty some stuff.

Next up is the Harvest lotion! I figured I'd layer the two to use them up. It'll make it smell a little stronger and just nice.

Also from Bath and Body Works I have Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin Nourishing Hand Cream. This is a nice, pumpkiny smell that I like a lot. It feels like I've used this quite a lot, but I don't really remember using this that much. So yeah, I'll finish that up.

And I have a little less than half of this left... but I need to finish it! it is the Hempz Fresh Coconut and Watermelon Herbal Body Moisturizer. This smells really good... I think this was one of the first things I ever got at Ulta. Its so nice and watermelon-y. I love it... but I want to try more stuff from Hempz but I cannot justify another damn lotion. Lol.

So yeah... that is it. I'm really excited to declutter a little bit. I'm writing this on September 12th... but I won't start until I post this first... and I'm waiting till now because of my Finish 13 by Halloween... which btw as of now, I've finished 3 products from! So wooooo hoooooooo!

