Monday Musts 11.7.16

I feel like I've used a different palette or different things every day this week... so this is kind of hard to figure what my favorites are... but I think I have a good list of things... so yeah!

1)Toulon Ultra Hydrating Eye Gel- I realized pretty much all my favorites are things that I got from my friend Alyssa for my birthday... so that's kinda cool. Way to go Alyssa, If you're reading this! Lol. This I think might be the one that has worked out the best. Idk how she found out about this product, I know the gift was from Amazon, so you can get it there... but wow! She said she uses this on her eyes and forehead and it really really does make a difference. It really hydrates and after applying it, I could totally see my undereyes getting lighter. It was super cool... not just in the "ohh that's cool" way but it was a little cooling. I guess not super cooling. It feels nice. It feels a little like the Benefit Porefessional... but I looked at the ingredients and I don't know the Porefessional ingredients off the top of my head... but I'm pretty sure this has no silicone in it. There is a scent in this product, so keep that in mind if that bothers you... but its overall a really nice product and it works for me. Plus it helps me wake up in the morning... do you ever wake up easier when your skin is moisturized well? It just feels awesome!

2) L'oreal Telescopic Mascara- I haven't tried a regular drugstore mascara in quite a while. I usually get mine from Ulta Brand. My lashes are sensitive and sometimes mascaras bother me... this one has not bothered me at all so far! Its really good! It doesn't smudge, it doesn't need a waterproof topcoat, it gives me Adele-level lashes... plus the packaging is amazing and its from L'oreal so its pretty affordable! I think I need to branch out and try more things because this is something I've heard about for the longest time, never tried it... and it works! So... that's a thing I need to do.

3) Revlon Superlustrous Lipstick in Champagne on Ice- I love sheer shimmer lipsticks and this is such a pretty sheer shimmer color! It looks really nice over like a nude lipstick or a liner and it just looks good on its own too. Its' also really really comfortable to the point where it almost feels like lip balm! The glitters in it aren't too glittery or anything. It just works out perfectly, it feels nice and again... its a product I've heard people talk about for forever and I've somehow never tried it!

5) Meet Matt(e)Trimony Palette- I used used a few colors from this for my look yesterday... which I do have a How-Tosday on in a few weeks... and i just forgot how much I liked this palette! Its so perfect for fall... idk how I forgot about this guy during Blogoween because now I keep thinking this would have been really useful for that... but now I remember and I'll keep it out for a little while because it is PERFECT for Fall!

6) Pumpkin Cupcake Spray from Bath and Body Works- I LOVE this scent like Oprah loves Bread. Its so good! I didn't think these new Pumpkin scents would be that good as a spray... but they did a great job of making them not too candle-y. Its just really good.

I think that is everything! Once again, Thanks Alyssa! I will link her blog, Based on a True Story right here. She has a little bit of everything on that blog. She has a short story up there right now I believe, some beauty posts, cooking posts and other things. Definitely check her out! Clearly, we like a lot of the same things, so if you like my recommendations, you might like hers! She's super busy, so I don't think she has time to post all that often... but definitely check it out. She is awesome!

