Finish 13 by Halloween Finale+ Empties!

I thought I would just do some empties in with my Finish 13 by halloween project... so I'll throw those in at the end. I'm going to list the products in the same way that I listed the original Finish 13 by halloween list... and I'll let you know if I'm done with them and kind of what happened.

1) Maybelline Better Skin Foundation: FINISHED!- This one I was using and it's hard to tell if a product is finished or not... so I had one pump that I layered all over my face... and then I tried to pump out some more and I couldn't do it! So I had a very very light coverage look when I did that... which wasn't bad... but wasn't what I was going for either. I liked this foundation. At the end of using it some days it looked a little off... not sure if the color was different or if it was because I had been neglecting my skincare routine... but yeah. I think I got this foundation last summer... so its lasted me longer than it should have maybe... but it still worked and looked okay most of the time... so I used it up. I'd repurchase this foundation, I liked it a lot... one of my favorite things from Maybelline.

2) Soap and Glory Smoothie Star Lotion- My skin got very dry while I was doing this... and I didn't want to use a lotion with a scent in it... I think it'll be okay on my arms... so hopefully I can finish it soon... but it isn't done yet.

3) Smashbox Primer Water- I'm close to finished with this one! Because I started using the It Cosmetics CC Cream with the Hangover Rx Primer, I didn't use this to prime as much... but I have been reaching for it a lot lately... so its still okay, I'll finish it really soon! Even though I regretted picking this one. Lol.

4) Bath and Body Works Strawberry Bourbon Body Butter: Finished!- I knew this would be easy to finish because there wasn't a whole lot left and there wasn't much product in the tub to begin with... but it took a pretty long time for me to finish it! I guess it was hard because I was working on other lotions and this sort of stayed till the end... but yeah. I love the smell and would like for Bath and Body Works to Bring it back one day! But it was kind of older and I just needed to finish it up!

5) Colourpop Lumiere- I regretted picking this to finish because I love the color sooo much. I do want to finish it... I know Kathleen isn't collaborating with any brands for a while, and I'm a little upset cause I do love her collab products... so maybe I'll hold off on this.

6) Becca Beach Tint Shimmer Souffle- I lost this somewhere in using it... lol. And then I got new blush palettes and those were just really easy to use... so I just decided to hold off on finishing this one for a while... and maybe I'll pick it up again soon. Everything I'm not finishing by Halloween... I want to finish by the end of 2016... and I think that could work out.

7) Whish Almond Oil FINISHED- I only had the tiniest bit of this left, so I needed to just use it up! I didn't love this... for a while I thought it was really good. I loved the smell... but I don't know if I'd purchase again unless it was on sale or something... I love this line and I love the almond scents in this line. Almond is my favorite scent... I just don't think I use Oils enough on my legs to justify spending the money on this.

8) Bath and Body Works Peach and Honey Almond Body Lotion FINISHED- I do have a backup of this somewhere because I really love the scent... but I've had it for a while and forget to use it a lot... so I wanted to make sure I used it a lot and I did! So I finished it and will probably open up the new one... maybe after some more projects. I liked the moisturizing it did too... it was good!

9) Pink Chiffon Mini Body Spray FINISHED- I thought this was going to be hard to finish... but I did it!

10) Origins Charcoal Mask FINISHED- This was the first thing I finished... it was pretty much finished before I started the project and I didn't know that! I had one use of this and it was done... so that was good. Easy enough!

11) Pur Cosmetics Eye Polish in Cashmere- I'm half thinking of getting rid of this... its very much almost done... but it isn't working the way that it used to work... so it might not be worth finishing... but I am for the most part done with it... so yeah.

12) Too Faced Hangover Rx Primer- I think I have a few more uses of this... so it is essentially done... but I'm not ready to throw it out just yet! I'm writing this on Halloween, so I might be finished with this by the time I post it... but yeah. This is a good one, epecially for dry skin!

13) It Cosmetics CC+ Illumination CC Cream- Again... I'm so close to being done with this I'm probably finished by the time this is published... but as of right now there is still some left!

I finished a Coconut Frosting Body Wash from Philosophy. I really liked that! I love the Philosophy Shower Gels... they last a long time and they're just really really good!

The Country Apple Shower Gel from Bath and body Works... not sure if I mentioned this in last month's Empties or not... but I finished it! I loved it, you can see a Fragrance Freak Friday on it right here.

I finished a Simple Micellar Water. I really liked this, so I got some backups because it was BOGO half!

I finished the EOS Shaving Cream in the Pomegranate Raspberry scent. I really like this a lot! I have a backup!

I have the Vanilla Bean Noel shower gel from Bath and Body Works. I really like this... I might get it again for Christmas... but again... I have a lot of shower gels and my skin is getting more sensitive... so maybe I won't.

I threw out my Ulta Amped Lashes mascara and the Rain Coat Topcoat because they were a little bit older... I think I've been using them since slightly after my sister got married... so thats probably long enough. I love them... but I've gotta say, I might like the mascara I have opened currently a little bit better!

I finished one sample packet of the Tresseme Beauty Full Shampoo and conditioner. I got these from Influenster and I'm happy they sent me it because it works sooo well for my hair! I really love it!I ended up buying a full size, but I still have one sample pack left that I opened.

I think that is everything... not too much but I did another empties recently.

So as I said, I'm going to try to finish these by the end of 2016. I think it'll be a little easier to finish the makeup items because I have another project pan that is either coming up or I posted it already! But hopefully I can start panning some stuff!

