Beauty Questions I Don't Know The Answer To...( And Suggestions of The People That Do)!

I thought this would be kind of a fun idea... there are lots of things in makeup and the beauty world that I just kind of don't know all that well... I follow people on Instagram and youtube that seem to know everything about them... so I would say follow them... but I'm not going to be your #1 place for this... so... keep that in mind and let's get into it!

1) Brows! 
I don't really fill in my eyebrows at all... I've been brushing them a little bit more and I pluck them from time to time- occasionally I will use a powder or something... I have a few products that I'll use occasionally like the Benefit KaBrow and the Ulta Brow Gel... but for the most part if anything I just brush them... but yeah. I don't know anything about brows- definitely not something you're going to find out about here.

Everyone on youtube seems kind of loyal to their own brow products... so I'm not even quite sure who to suggest here. EmilyNoel83 does a lot of drugstore and high end reviews... so she'll have any sort of price suggestion or comparison you might be looking for. She even mentions things for people that don't really do brows... so I think her reviews are really helpful. Another thing I'm just going to suggest that will probably be the answer to a lot of things... Ask someone at Sephora or Ulta. They'll help you- it is their job to help you. My friend got a great consultation from Sephora and she got brow products she's happy with and she knows how to use it. They've probably seen every sort of makeup problem out there... so they won't judge you or anything. Or just ask your hairdresser if he or she knows anything about brows or if they know someone that can do brows... there's a lot!

2) Skincare! 
I'm not that well versed in skincare. I have a skincare routine that I like- but I don't change up a whole lot. I don't know anything about Sunday Riley, Drunk Elephant, any of those expensive brands that are supposed to be the best. I've never used them... I would recommend Stephanie Nicole does a lot of skincare videos, TophCam is a great youtuber who mainly talks about skincare. Nikki6543 is a blogger and Instagrammer... I'm not sure if she posts as much about skincare as she does about makeup, but she's great! She knows a lot about skincare- so she's a good person to follow.

3) Indie Makeup Brands 
I know a little bit about indie makeup... maybe more than most... but I don't think of myself as an expert on it. Again, Nikki6543, she has some discount codes for brands. She posts great swatches... Swatches! That's another thing I'm bad at! I would recommend Nikki for that as well. Anyway back to indie brands JenLuvsReviews does a show called What's Up In Makeup that goes over every makeup release every week... actually Monday through Fridays she does a mini show too. They cover all kinds of different makeup. Those are fun to watch or listen to while you're doing your makeup.

4) Nail Art- 
I attempt nail art... and I'll post it on here if I do anything... but I wouldn't trust my nail art above Pinterest, Instagram, Jenny Fox... Simply Nailogical... there are lots of talented nail artists out there... I'm not one of them!

5) Dupes- I've been getting a little more into dupes... I have some really good dupe blogs here... like the Dupes for Stila's Kitten Blog... I'm proud when I have good dupes and I'll go pretty in depth about it... but I don't post them often because I don't need more than one of the same palette. I have the Naked 3 Palette... So I don't have a lot of the dupes for that. I have a few dupes for the Naked 1 &2 palette... so I don't have the naked palettes.

I also understand the point of buying both things... its nice to just get the cheaper version... but at the end of the day... I still find myself wanting the Naked palettes.

I like Bailey B's Dupe or Dud videos a lot. She does very informative reviews and I try to think of her reviews when I'm writing something.

6) Empties- I'm pretty terrible at writing empties posts... I've been doing more singular reviews when I finish something... but I feel like that's only when I have something to say about it... ProjectEmpties is my favorite Empties Instagram account... she posts a lot of singular reviews when she finishes something on Instagram. I also like Hollieeatslipstick's empties. She does them quite often- so she's a good person to watch if you love empties... I don't like keeping trash around and I don't save it because this is a blog not a youtube channel... and then I forget to write it down and then everything is terrible... not really- it's just really really hard to write... so I don't do it! So follow one of those people.

I'll probably do more of these when I figure out what other people do things that I don't really talk about on this blog. Or just accounts I think you should follow if you like specific things... so yeah! There will probably be more of these!

