Frugal, Fancy, Fragrance, Fashion, Favorite Fridays 5.5.17

Hope everyone is having a Frugal, Fancy, Fragrancy, Fashiony Favorite Cinco de Mayo... lol that makes no sense. But I already had my Margaritas and Mexican food yesterday... Maybe there will be a blog on that on my other blog in the near future... we'll see. Lol. Here are the favorites! 


This week I was at Ulta and I needed some of the Real Techniques Sponges again… and it was BOGO 50% off combined with Ecotools… so I ended up getting an Ecotools Brush Set as well. It is the Define and Highlight Duo. It has a full sized blush/contour or bronzer brush and a giant fan brush… I’ve always kind of wanted a fan brush like this and I thought I could use an ecotools blush/contour brush. I think I only have 1 other Ecotools brush… idk this just looked like a good set that I wanted to try and for half off it just seemed like a good idea to get it! 

And just to kind of make the picture look better... I also wanted to mention the Nyx Color Corrector. Lol... but seriously I used this a few times during the week and I do like the extra step of using this a lot. It makes a difference for my eyelids- I use the yellow and for my undereyes I like the salmon color. 

The CoverFx Custom Enhancer Drops in Halo… ohhh my goodness. These are fancy and they are amazing! They make your face nice and dewy looking mixed in with foundation and it looks really nice as a highlight as well! My friend actually complimented it a few days ago… so that was nice. I think these are one of those hidden gem products… people use these on Instagram a lot… but I don’t see them much otherwise. I use mine all the time! I love them! 

And another thing I got this week and I've really been loving... The Lorac California Dreaming Palette! This is amazing! I've seen it all over instagram... haven't heard much about this anywhere else... but pick it up. I have a feeling they made it permanent and it is probably the best $30 palette you could buy! It's super versatile and I think it would be great for travel as well! 

I’m still on the Juliette Has A Gun Discovery Set… so far I LOVE Mmmm and Anyway… I kind of want larger sizes of those… Anyway is a great everyday scent… and Mmmm is pretty good for nighttime and probably a good fall or winter scent. Mmmm smells a little bit like Nirvana Bourbon… so maybe I’ll just get Nirvana Bourbon instead… but I really like Mmmm. Not a Perfume is good too because it’s hypoallergenic… so for allergy season I kind of like that. 

My Star Wars Shirt! I love this shirt! I just think it looks cool and different. Plus it's Star Wars Day yesterday... so I liked wearing it for Star Wars Day! This isn't from yesterday... my hair is short now... but this is a picture I had in the shirt! 


The Late show with Stephen Colbert. Colbert’s always been my favorite late night host… I was worried about the show because I liked the character he did on The Colbert Report… but he’s actually super funny in real life too and it’s good to see him as himself… being super super funny! 

Hope you guys liked this Frugal, Fancy, Fashion, Fragrance Favorite Friday... that isn't what it's called. Happy Cinco de Mayo and have a great day! 

