Review: Elf Contour Kit

So I purchased the Elf Contour Kit a little while ago and I've been liking it. I'm not a huge fan of contouring to be perfectly honest. I like the way that it looks... but it isn't my favorite and I kind of prefer strobing or using a more glow-y bronzer just to give the face color. Its a little easier that way and it looks pretty. That doesn't really effect my opinion of the palette, but the value might be a little different to me because if I bought a contour kit that was $20 or more... I don't see myself using it a lot because this is $8 and I like it and I just don't use it a whole lot... so keep that in mind.

The Packaging 
I like Elf's packaging. Its cheap and its simple... but it still looks nice and its still pretty high quality. These actually pop in and out of the palette, which is helpful for me. I have the Light Blush Palette and I popped out one of the highlights that I didn't think I would use as much and popped in one of the blushes that I found I was using a lot.

It comes with a big mirror also and I really like that. Its really useful and a lot of palettes don't come with mirrors. Even the $45 Too Faced Stardust palette had no mirror. This didn't cut corners with the mirror and its still low cost... so thats nice. Good for traveling.

And it isn't bulky at all. There are lots of bulky contour kits and blush palettes. I have the Benefit Blush Palette from Last year... which they did re-release this year... but it is bulky as anything and I think I'd use it more if it was a little more sleek. I may depot it into a Z Palette so I can use it a little more... not quite sure. That's besides the point though, this is a good palette.

The Products 
The actual powders are really nice too. Elf Cheek products always feel very high quality to me. It does kind of feel like the Benefit Boxed Powders now that I mentioned them. They aren't that different. Its also really easy to blend out and it still shows up prominently. It isn't boom in your face contour, but you can see that I contoured and that there is a difference in my face.

The highlight shades show up really well too. I have a lot of high end highlighters... but I still find myself using these quite often. Theres a shimmery one and a more natural one. I use the shimmery one more often cause I like a little shimmer. This isn't too shimmery though, its just the right amount and it looks like a really nice, natural glow when your face hits the light. The more "matte" one is nice too for that and looks really nice and natural. I popped mine out because I popped in a blush from the blush palette... but I still like it.

Lasting Power 
Its not great but not terrible either. I've found it stays on pretty okay if I'm doing nothing. If it were hot out or if I were outside or running a marathon or something, it would probably wear... but I'm not a marathon runner and I'm not outside a lot. Lol. I don't know if this would have lasted me when I was in college and I commuted there... but I have good luck with Elf products and this is pretty nicely pigmented!

Who is this product for? 
I feel like if you have a high end contour kit, you probably don't need this unless you want just a small cheap one for travel. If you're not a makeup artist and you just like makeup this is good for you. If you like keeping up with the trends, but don't want to spend a lot of money on something that might just be a trend thats in style for a week or two... this is for you. If you're on a budget, this is great. And if you don't love contouring but you want it for special occasions... this is for you! Its a good way to spend $8 or even less if you get the sales on Elf's website!

Overall I give this product an A. There's nothing wrong with it, its really great for the $8 price tag. I even think the packaging looks more than $8 worth... its just a good drugstore product. I'm not that into contouring, but this is good and it forces me to go out of my comfort zone... which I like!

Hope this was helpful!
