Weight Loss Wednesday: Success and Rewarding yourself

So as of now... I'm writing this one September 25th... I am 192 or 193 pounds... not quite sure but I'm proud of myself and I was going to write this when I was under 200... but I didn't get to... and now I feel like the success is a little better and I kind of wanted to share it.

I kind of had to make myself get back on track... its hard because I haven't been getting to the gym quite as much and Pumpkin Spice everything and halloween candy is out now and I just want it all... And I have been kind of trying it all... but now I've sort of decided to cool it a little bit... there are lots of yummy foods and treats in my house that I'm still eating... but not quite as much as I had been and not like every day.

I'll have Ice Cream from time to time... I'll eat pizza... still quite often... and I still like PSL's... milkshakes a bunch of unhealthy stuff. I know its something that the more I cut out, the more weight I'll lose quicker... but I'm not quite there yet. I'm still losing weight pretty fast... and I don't really eat that bad that often... so just you know kind of be mindful of that and kind of keep that in track.

The last couple weeks I also wasn't getting to the gym very often... which is also a problem. I have some weights and some work out equipment at home and my sister's room is a small space, but there's still enough of a clear zone to work out in. If I can't get to the gym, now I like to make myself work out in there for an hour. Sometimes I use her stuff, sometimes I just do crunches and other things for a little bit and its pretty good. Before I had a gym membership, I just went there.

Another thing I've been liking to do is reward myself. If there's something I want to buy or something, I wait until I'm down 10 pounds and then I get it then. I've also been trying on smaller sizes of clothing, and if I fit in it and if I look good, I'll buy it and wear it. Its a little treat for myself and its just a nice thing to not just do this to lose weight. It's a way for me to be proud of myself and to treat myself because I feel like I've earned something.

And thats a good thing to keep in mind. Its not just about losing weight or being healthy... when you do something and see the results, for me at least... It really makes me proud of myself. There's been a noticeable difference that I've worked really hard for and thats definitely something that anyone should be proud of. I wasn't proud when I put the weight on... but taking it off is something I'm pretty happy about!

So that is everything I'm feeling right now... I'll keep you updated. I want to try to do these more often... but I don't feel like there is a ton to talk about anymore... I want to stay motivated and even keep anyone reading this motivated as well... and just sort of let you guys know how I'm feeling about everything. It isn't an easy thing to do but once you do it... its pretty good.

