Anti Haul- What I'm not Going to Buy April 6th!

I feel like I just did one of these... but companies keep releasing crappy products... so I'm going to keep doing more! Lol. I'm going to be a little sassier in this one because... the first palette is pissing me off. Lol. If you love these things or if you want them, that is awesome... they're just head scratchers to me.

The Morphe 35R palette... WTF? This is the most uninspired palette that they have I think... the name doesn't even make sense. It's supposed to be 35 Ready, Set, Gold. All the photos that I've seen of it online are blurry because it's so boring... no one can even take a good picture of it. It's a bunch of matte browns that you probably already have... and then the other side of the palette is literally the same gold color a bunch of times... this would probably be great if you're a beginner or a pro makeup artist... but to me... I have gold colors... why do I need the same gold color 500 times in a palette. (I'm adding some things in and I'm in a less sassy mood. I did see a lot of really pretty looks with this palette... but it's still not my thing.)

I was going to say "Maybe?" to the new Kat Von D stuff like the Alchemist palette and the Pastel Goth... I'm probably just going to go right ahead and say nahhhh to... the Pastel Goth at least. I kind of want the Alchemsit... but the shape of it is pissing me off a little and that makes me rather just get the Moon Child Palette from ABH. I think that would just be really hard to store. Idk... I don't need these things... going to say no! I want the Shade n Light Palette... but I think I'm going to maybe not splurge on the new releases so that I can buy different things.

Also the new Too Faced Collections... I'm slightly interested in the new highlights in the heart packaging... but I don't think I'm going to buy them any time soon... I think the Honey palette looks... a little bit boring. It's pretty but I've got those shades or could probably get them in singles if they're really that unique. I'm sure the quality is good. And the Natural Romance palette... again it's very pretty... but I think they worked harder on the packaging than the colors inside. I know they've been working on it for a while... but the shades are repeats of older colors... and I don't necessarily have those colors... but I would rather have something that resembled the original Romantic Eyes Palette, or something like the Natural at Night or one of their older palettes. In a 9 pan palette instead. It's also incredibly close to the Lorac Mega Pro 3 and the Makeup Revolution Favor Fortunes the Brave... I don't need it... it's cute but I'm not buying it.

Ohhhhh and that isn't even the worst of it... they're coming out with the Melted Latex Liquid Lipsticks and the Glitter Bomb palette... And again... it looks terrible. I don't know what the latex lipsticks are... I'm guessing it will make your mouth look like a condom? Lol. It just sounds terrible. And the Glitter Bomb palette... again they posted a blurry picture... which just shouldn't happen on a professional instagram account. When I post a picture that blurry on instagram... I get shit about it... sometimes it's just from my sister... but still. Instagrammers are like "Fly away money @ this blurry AF picture that you have NO IDEA what it really looks like or swatches like." Ughhhh. Why? Too Faced is a great brand. They've come up with great ideas. Why are they going around the office like "Ohhh you know what's hot? LATEX! Let's make Latex trendy." Really? REALLY TOO FACED? Again... maybe these are amazing products... but can we all agree that the blurry sneak peeks that aren't blurry enough to hide it from us but blurry enough to not know what it is is just annoying and terrible?

The Benefit Boxed blushes... I have a palette from years ago with the blushes and I just shopped my stash for that... I don't need the Galifornia blush or any of the other boxed blushes. They're pretty and I like the ones I have right now... but I'm going to use those up and I'm not going to repurchase them or any of the new ones. There's nothing wrong with them... but they're a little bulky and my storage system wouldn't work well for them... and they're just blushes but they're expensive.

The Sephora Collection Mixology Eye Palette... again WTF? This isn't a trend. These are pretty colors... but what the hell? The arrangement of these colors makes no sense. It also kind of looks like a butt... so that isn't good. Just... NO! Not buying this. Maybe it's good but this is just going to piss me off.

The New Carli Bybel Palette... this I really want... but I'm not going to buy it. I have the original Carli Bybel Palette and it's amazing... this has some of the same colors of that palette and some new colors. I would maybe get this if I hit pan on the Carli Bybel Palette. I would definitely recommend getting this palette- and even if the original Carli Palette goes on sale- I would say hold out and wait to get the new one because as much as I love the Carli Bybel Palette, there isn't a ton of variation in the colors. This has some more variation and it just looks really really nice. I would also get this if Carli did another meet n greet in NJ and if I were able to go to that meet n greet. She had one at my favorite Ulta last year that I didn't go to... so I wouldn't doubt she would have another and I think it'd be cool to meet her. I've never gone to a youtuber meet n greet thing.

I hate putting this on the list... but it must be done: The Tarte Unicorn Brushes... I think I'm just going to put most unicorn brushes on the list... I know Too Faced is going to have a unicorn collection and I'm going to want that because it probably comes with a makeup bag, because that's what they teased... and I like the Tarte brushes... but I would like it better if they came with a case also... so I think this has to go on the no buy list... and that's hard... I kind of want to buy them... but I'm not going to do it!

Along with things I want but don't need... I'm going to put the Aura Glow Kit from Anastasia Beverly Hills. Idk about this one... I kind of want moon child... and that's not on this list... but maybe if I get the new Becca LTD highlight- I won't get Moon Child. I want something sort of sheer like that for nails though and KVD's Alchemist is already on my No buy list... ugh. BTW- when I put a product on my "No Buy List" it is written in stone and will not be changed. I don't edit these. I don't want to disappoint anyone by buying them and going back on my word... it's written in stone that I will not buy these. Other than the Carli Bybel palette- which is a reasonable amendment... I'm not going to buy these things.

Idk if this is still available, but the Nikki Tutorials Ofra collab. It just doesn't look like anything I would really use and it's pretty... but I just bought the ABH lip palette and the highlight doesn't look interesting enough to purchase the whole kit. I'm not the biggest Nikki fan, so hopefully all her biggest fans will be able to buy the kit. It's just not something I'm going to buy. I love Ofra... but I'll live without this.

Byeee! Let me know if you have any of these products and love them... let me know if they're terrible and I'm making a good call. I'm sure they're all great... but I'd rather spend my money on something other than these. Lol.
