Worth It Wednesday: Jouer

So this is a first... I'm doing a whole brand review for Jouer including a few of the products I've tried instead of just focusing on one. I've already talked about most of these things quite a bit... but I've never done a full "Worth it Wednesday" on them... so this is new!

Lip Creams 
I did a Swatch Saturday on these a while ago... but I got one more after that and I have a better idea of a review on these. These are long wearing for me... they aren't the most long wearing liquid lipsticks... but they are really comfortable and they have a lot of great colors. Plus they smell amazing. I have Praline- which is a shimmer... and then I have Noisette, Dulce de Leche and Tawny Rose. I got 3 of them in a bundle and then the fourth one I got on my own... I would definitely by more of these... for some reason these are just my favorite formula. I like them a lot.

And they just came out with new Anniversary colors... so I want them!

Ready To Wear Cool Palette 
So this isn't my favorite palette ever... it was under $20 though, so it's definitely worth that. It has a nice blush, a cream highlight and 4 eyeshadows... I don't really think you can get a full look from the shadows themselves... they're good but there's not really a shadow that pops that well in this palette. The blush is really really nice too! I like it a lot. The Highlight is okay... but I kind of like something that pops more. It's a good travel palette... but I'd still probably pack a single shadow and a highlight. If I was in a crunch one that you could use for both... otherwise I think this is a really pretty palette and worth the under $20 price tag. I think this was originally more expensive... wouldn't pay that much for it... but for under $20 its okay!

Essential Matte and Shimmer Palette 
This is a great palette. It is kind of the "Little Black Dress" of palettes where you can use it for any sort of look you might want... as long as it's neutral. I have a good look that is kind of an "everyday" look. The only thing I didn't like about this palette was that one of my shadows broke... I dropped it so that's fair... but some of the other shadows got hardpan from that... I think it was from the shattered shadow because I scraped off the hardpan and got rid of the broken shadow... and it's been okay since then. These are very soft shadows so be careful... but it's a great palette... I think for $40 it's one I find myself reaching for over and over again. I've had it in several Monday Musts and even a monthly favorite or 2... so I like it a lot! Might not be for everyone... but it is really nice and my kind of shades.

