Upcoming Mac Releases

Hey guys! I have an anonymous source that gave me some information on some of the new Mac Collections coming out in the near future... and I'm not really supposed to let anyone know this stuff... but I thought I'd let you guys know for the blog because its some exciting stuff!

The MAC- aroni and Cheese Collection 
Mac's been drawing some inspiration from their own name for their collections this year! And what could possibly be more beautiful than an entire collection based around the delicious food. There will be all kinds of cheesy shades from yellow, lighter yellow, orange, blue... its going to be great. I don't know if they decided to make it Macaroni and cheese scented, but rumor has it... they might be!

The MAC and C.H.E.E.S.E Collection 
This has a very similar name to the last collection, but it is completely different believe it or not! Remember in Season 6 of Friends where Joey was on a show called Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E where he was a cop with a robot sidekick? This is based off of those few episodes! I don't know whether it will be based off the actual robot tv show itself or more like a Friends Collection... but either way... this should be pretty exciting. It will either be 90s futuristic... or just plain 90s! This is definitely one to be excited for!

The MAC and Me Collection 
This collection is based off the movie Mac and Me, which was McDonald's failed attempt to make an ET movie. This movie has an average of 1 and a half star on IMDB, so I'm sure it will be a One-and- a- half star collection at least! One to get really excited about!

The MAC-aroni Salad Collection 
Apparently Mac loves some food and some pasta! I have to admit... I'm not sure about this one. I know for a fact this one will be scented like Macaroni Salad...  so that might be okay... but really? Macaroni Salad? Come on MAC!

I also have even more exciting news... these are all a part of the Shannon Kahermanes April Fool's Collection! 

Hahaha yes... none of these exist... although I'm not gonna lie... I'd be pumped if Mac did a Friends collection.

Have a good day, have some fun with it and don't get too mad if you get pranked!

