I finished It! Johnson and Johnson Soothing Baby Vapor Bath

I finished this up a little while ago. This is my 2nd bottle and I don't know if I would purchase it again because I think I found something better, but this still worked and it was nice and really relaxing. It was pretty good.

I know what you might be thinking. "Shannon, you are not a baby, why are you using a baby product?" Kathleenlights... that's why. She mentioned it back in her November favorites I think. At the time I was getting migraines and she said that a subscriber recommended using this product for migraines so it made sense for me to get this!

I think I only used this one time when I was getting a headache, and it did soothe me and stop the headache from getting too bad. The very first time I used this was the most relaxing bath ever at the time. It was hard to explain why exactly it worked... but it was like everything I was thinking about just kind of melted away and everything seemed okay after that. It was comforting and I did kind of feel like a fussy baby that just got calmed down. When my baby niece starts to cry I sometimes play with her toys and get her to relax and calm down... and you can see her face change immediately... and that is sort of what a relaxing bath is like. Everything just kind of leaves and then it's like "Ohhh. That's nice! This is what not being fussy feels like."

I like to kind of stay in the bath a little longer than when I use this so that I can keep the smell until it all dissolves. It is a very strong scent, so even after the bubbles dissolve it kind of lingers a little bit. This smells like Vics and Baby. It's just comforting and it isn't too strong... but its strong enough that it lasts a really long time.

The Dr. Teal's Relax and Relief Bath Soak is the other one that I really liked and I'm not sure if that will work as well with migraines... I guess I never really got to test this on a migraine... which is fortunate and hopefully I never get one again because they suck... but if I do... I'll test these things out and let you know if one works or if one doesn't work. Hopefully I won't have to... but it might happen. We'll see lol. I don't think I'd purchase this unless I was desperate... or if my niece had some and I got a headache or something... but it wasn't bad... I just found something that I think works better for adult use. I went through this very quickly because it was made for people that are tinier than I am.

Byeee! Hope this helped! Let me know if you have any experience with migraines and scents that soothe that.
