Affordable Hidden Gem: PS Blush and Highlight Palette from Primark

Heyyyyyy everyone! This will probably end up being the most hidden gem in my makeup collection because it is such an amazing face palette that isn't really that widely available... especially in the US... but it's totally amazing and it just deserves its own post.

So this palette comes with a dark matte blush that's kind of a purple-y color... a lighter orange-y color... a light pink with a lot of shimmer that could be used as a highlight and a straight up shimmery highlight.

The colors of this palette really drew me. The highlights looked really pretty and they almost reminded me of the Anastasia Glow Kit highlights... the darker blush color looked really pretty and unique... I didn't know if I would like the orange one that much... but I thought I could use it anyway...and I'd probably use the darker blush and the shimmery highlight enough for the $7 price tag. Plus it's convenient to have a blush palette- especially one with a highlight in it... that's just what I like to reach for a lot... I just like having all in one palettes!

And I do like all the colors... but the dark blush and the light highlight are my 2 favorites! I did use the shimmery pink highlight as a blush today and I thought it looked really pretty... that was for my Purple Look with the clover palette that I just posted... I thought it looked really nice as a blush. It just gave a pretty glow- it made me look healthy... which is funny because I'm just getting over a cold lol. The matte blushes are both really nice too... I like matte blushes to kind of "cheat" at contouring. I think the darker one is really good for that... the orange one is nice because it isn't quite as orange as it looks on my cheeks... it just looks like a nice, light color that again just gives kind of a healthy fresh look to the cheeks... I also wore this after recovering from a cold. I just think these are nice, pigmented and easy to use. I like them a lot!

So yeah... for $7 I do not think this palette is bad! The only drawback is that there are not many primark locations in the US. There is only one in NJ and it is at the Freehold Mall. There are a few more alongside the east coast in the northeast region... I think there was one location in Texas maybe and one on the west coast... but it's not like these are everywhere... and idk if you can order online in the US... I was trying to see what the shipping costs would be to order something... but I couldn't figure out how to check out... so that kind of stinks that this is so hard to get. Either way... if you vacation to anywhere that has a primark or if you live near a Primark like I do... I would not pass this up.

It was a little hard for me to find a good one of these... it seemed like a lot of the ones in my store had some powder kickup... so I wasn't sure if it was swatched or if the palette itself had been dropped or what happened to it... I was a little skeptical but I found one and I really wanted the palette regardless... so if it was a little messy I was still willing to try it... possibly a bad idea but I found a good one anyway. I just wanted to mention that because that is the one real con to the product!

I hope this was helpful! Like I said... the most hidden gem- but that's why I needed to mention it!

