I Finished It: Bath and Body Works Coconut Mint Drop Body Wash

So this is kind of an interesting I finished it because I feel like I finished this early because this wasn't really meant to be a 3 in one product... but I did kind of use it as a 2 in one product... which I liked.

I mainly used this when I was sick last month... and it was mostly as a bubble bath which I actually really liked. I love Minty smells when I'm sick, especially if I have a headache or something like that because they kind of help me relax a little and clear my head a tiny bit. This actually bubbled up better than the Ulta 3-in-1 bubble bath and the smell was just so nice and relaxing in the tub... I really ended up liking it and it didn't make me feel that much better or anything- but it relaxed me when I really needed that so I liked it a lot.

And I took quite a few baths when I was sick because that made me feel a lot better... for the most part I made sure I used this as my bubble bath... but I didn't use shower gel every time... sometimes I just sat in the bubbles for a few minutes... either way this worked really well for both and I really liked it as a bubble bath. I was pretty impressed because Bath and Body Works does have Bubble Bath for some of their scents and the bubbles aren't as good as this was... and I think they were more expensive too... so I'm not sure they still make those- but save your money and just use a shower gel as bubble bath because I thought it worked better.

So this is a lot sweeter of a mint than something like the twisted peppermint... but I think it's a little mintier than that twisted peppermint too. Even though the coconut gives it a nice, cakey smell almost... it's still a little stronger in the mint than the Twisted Peppermint... so I'm not sure if this is something for everyone.

This reminds me a little bit of a sweeter version of Vick's Vap-O-Rub or the Johnson and Johnson bubble bath for fussy babies. I know that type of scent isn't for everyone... but some people really love it and I think this is a nice middle-ground sweet scent that people would like a lot.

And when I smell this... I don't necessarily just think Winter... which can be kind of a problem with some scents... I think this works well for any season... I would wear this in the spring or summer too! I think it's a good one!

So I think that is everything! I hope you guys like my empties updates... and I'll see you guys tomorrow with another blog!

