Update on the Matrix Biolage Hair Products that Influenster Sent Me... Not So Good!

Sooo... yeah I just kind of wanted to give a little update on a product I gave a really positive review of for my first impression... that just didn't end up working for me after all. And that is the Matrix Biolage set of haircare products.

I'm not sure what exactly it is that didn't work for me... I think it was the shampoo and the conditioner that didn't work- but I also stopped using the Day Cream and the Night Cream and I'll probably end up getting rid of those or using them for shaving cream... most of my friends have the same type of hair that I have and I don't think this works for thick, curly hair... and idk how I would trust it for thinner hair either...

I think because it was so moisturizing it worked really well at first... but then after a while I think it just led to a lot of buildup in my hair- which I think ended up doing more damage to it than good. My hair just kind of flattened out and it had almost no volume or curl... and pretty much immediately after I stopped using it my hair looked great... right away... so that was pretty good.

Another thing that I don't think did me any good was the luxurious lather of the shampoo... while this felt really good... I noticed that a lot of my hair had fallen out because of it... which isn't good. Especially after daily use... and even if you don't really lather your hair that much- it just didn't work that well... I didn't like it.

I have been using the conditioner as shaving cream... and I do really like that actually! It feels really nice and smooth... my legs feel nice and moisturized after and it does give a really close shave... so I do like that. I'm not sure if the other products will work like that... maybe? I'm not sure.

I'm almost tempted to use the Day Cream or the Night Cream again just because I did really enjoy those products and I don't think that they would damage my hair at all... but they might and I just don't want to take that chance at all... so maybe I'll try it sometime after my friends wedding... but I'm not going to chance it just yet. Maybe I won't use it all the time- but I'll try it sometimes? Or maybe I'll try using those as shaving creams as well because I'm sure those would work as well as the conditioner if not better... idk!

Anyway... I just wanted to give that update... I was writing my Two-sday that I will post on Tuesday... and I realized I should probably do this little update before I talk about the shampoo I'm using now... which spoiler alert- is one of the products I'll mention Tuesday... lol. I'll just tease that and leave that here!

