I finished it! Almond and Vanilla Wallflower

Sooo... I just thought I would do a review on this wallflower from Bath and Body Works... Also full disclosure... I'm 90% sure this is the scent... but I lost the tag with the actual info on it... but yeah.

So this smelled really good and it smelled very strongly right away... which is really good! I like it when they smell right away because... full disclosure if I think people are going to go into my room- I'll make sure to put in a wallflower just in case it smells... and sometimes it can take a while to fill the room... which kind of sucks.

So while I feel like there was an initial high with my loving how soon the fragrance filled my room... I was a little let down because the scent didn't really last that well towards the end of the  month... and there was still a tiny bit left that I was just kind of waiting for it to burn up... and it just wasn't. And I don't think it's the Plug that I used... I'm pretty sure it was just the actual wallflower itself that didn't fully burn up.

Finally... let's get to the actual scent of this! It smelled pretty amazing! Like I said- I wasn't really sure what the scent was because the tag got lost... but I was able to identify it right away. I think I liked the smell more than I actually liked the Almond and Vanilla Body Spray or the Shower Gel... from that collection at least- they did revamp the collection and I liked the revamped shower gel a little bit better... I don't think this was from the revamp of that collection... but it still smelled really nice and sweet.

Soo... overall this was a nice scent while it lasted... but unfortunately it did not actually last all that long and that left me a little bit disappointed. I think this collection itself is no longer available... but they did still have almond wallflowers at the White Barn store... I picked one up because I had a coupon for a free one. Right now I have the Fresh Balsam scent plugged in... so I'll review that when I finish it... maybe? Maybe not lol.

