The Cruelty-Free Tag

Alright so I didn't really know what to do today... and I know I don't use 100% Cruelty Free products... but a majority of my favorites are cruelty free, so I thought this tag would be appropriate since it is Cruelty Free week.

I didn't make up this tag, I just googled Cruelty Free Tag on youtube and I figured I'd just do it.

1.What is your favorite cruelty free brand?

I think my favorite brands in general are Tarte and Too Faced. They have great products across the board, everything from eyes and face and lips and skincare. You could use these brands to do a full look and it would look really amazing. Also Tarte has really good skincare items. The Maricuja Oil is one of my favorite beauty products ever.

2.What brand did you love until you found out it wasn't cruelty free?
I do still use brands that aren't cruelty free, but there are a few brands that kind of made me mad when I found out they weren't cruelty free. L'oreal is one, just because on their Facebook page it says that they are working hard to stop animal testing... but none of their products that I've bought recently say "not tested on animals" on them... which sucks. I know that they own a lot of cruelty free brands like Nyx and Urban Decay and recently I read that they were actually using a Human Skin and a 3d printer to replicate it, so hopefully that will be the way brands test in the future. Now that we have the technology it doesn't seem like we need to test on animals anymore... so I'm hoping it ends.

And I know, its mostly because they need to test on animals in order to sell in some countries... which isn't right and I hope this ends it.

3.What is a cruelty free drugstore brand you like?
I love Elf. Its super affordable and they've really stepped up their game as far as their products and formulas. Elf used to kind of be a joke when I was in high school and everyone that tried it got a rash from it usually... lol. But now they're high quality and on par with a lot of high end brands that I like in my opinion.

4.Have you found a nail polish that is cruelty free?
Not yet. I want to try Pixi, but whenever I see them at Target they always look old and like its separating. I have one Zoya polish, and Zoya is cruelty free. Ohhh wait I have Wet n Wild and Milani also! Wet n Wild's polishes are amazing. On a Trip is my favorite. I have one from Milani and I didn't love the brush... but I'll try again I guess.

5.Have you found a perfume that is cruelty free?
I got a set of Pacifica Rollerballs for Christmas and I absolutely love them. They can smell a little too natural I think at times... but they are really good. The Indian Coconut one smells really nice and I have it on right now!

6.Why did you want to become a user of cruelty free products and how did you find out about cruelty free options?

I think it was a skincare product I was using or something, probably from Simple and it said Not Tested on animals, and I thought that made sense because animals don't have the same skin as humans it seems pointless to test on animals. And then I read what brands were cruelty free and what weren't and most of my favorite brands are actually cruelty free and I feel like I have better results with Cruelty Free products than with Cruel products. Lol.

For a while I thought it would be too expensive to switch to all cruelty free brands, but there are so many amazing and affordable brands from the drugstore that are also cruelty free. Nyx, Wet n Wild, Milani, Elf, Pixi are all really great brands that are cruelty free.

And I haven't switched to just cruelty free because really I do like to try a lot of things out and there are some brands that are just complete hits that unfortunately test on animals. And thats sad, but I'm hoping that that changes soon and that more brands will end animal testing.

And even though I don't use all cruelty free products or anything, I wanted to use this week so that people could be informed that hey here are some great options for products not tested on animals!

7. Do you eat meat?
Yes. Lol. I wanted to be a vegetarian as a kid, but I'm not too big on vegetables... so yeah. Lol.

8.What is your favorite fruit and/or veggie?
I think I actually like most fruits... but I don't eat a whole lot. Grapes I always eat, Pineapples, melons... I don't really like bananas and thats about it. Ohhh and I don't think I like mangoes either... and some oranges I don't like and probably grapefruit... lol.

Veggies I've been loving tomatoes and Corn on The Cob lately. I was never big on tomatoes... and I know they're technically a fruit, but I really like them on sandwiches and stuff and I've started eating them alone and they aren't bad at all. So that is a favorite. And Corn on the Cob you just can't beat. In the middle of summer, its the best sweetest most delicious and refreshing thing... so now is the time to go to your local food market and pick some up cause it doesn't stay good for long and thats the best place to get it! Lol.

