Sonia Kashuk Weekender Makeup Bag Review

I thought this would be a fun little review here... so I'm doing it! I got the Sonia Kashuk Weekender bag a few months ago and I just really started using it a lot and I really like it! I have to say it's a super sturdy makeup bag and it holds a lot of products!

The one that I got has a spot for brushes, a zippered compartment and 2 zippered pouches. When I went away for the lady Gaga concert- I put my makeup in the zippered part of the bag and my toiletries fit in one of the pouches... I couldn't find the other pouch... but I was fine without it. I had a can of deodorant that I was able to fit in there as well... so that was all really good.

I had been using this for like a week prior to my little trip also... just because I wanted to have it packed early on and I was testing out all of those products for review. I was kind of surprised at how sturdy it was... I wasn't the most careful with the bag... and even when I was carrying my overnight bag... it was a long walk to the hotel and I was a little rough with the bag when I was transporting it from my friends cars and on the train... I wasn't the most careful with it... and all of my makeup stayed nice and secured.

I was really impressed that I was able to fit everything I packed... and I was a little excessive with my packing... and I still probably could have fit another palette or different things if I really wanted too... so if you're going away for a little bit longer... this might be kind of useful! It really fit a lot of stuff with it and I really liked it!

It didn't take up a lot of space in my carrying bag either... which is pretty cool also. I didn't pack much at all on this trip... but still.. I feel like if I had packed a little heavier... this still would have been slim enough to be pretty good. I don't think this would have given me much problem at all.

My big complaint about the makeup bag is that it has no handles... it is a little bit more difficult to carry and to store because it doesn't have a handle like a lot of other makeup bags that I have... I didn't think I would miss the handle... but I do lol.

So overall... I think  this is a great makeup bag. If they have similar bags with handles... I would recommend getting the handle one... but I don't think that they have small pouches and I do find the small pouches very useful... so that's good I guess... one of the best makeup bags you can probably get... the price is fairly reasonable too... I got mine on sale for under $10 I think... but even if it were at $22 or whatever it is-  I think I would still buy it.

So that is everything- hope you guys liked this! Another Sonia Kashuk review tomorrow!

