First Time Using a Peel Mask: OMG!

So I recently got a peel mask in the Target "All The Masks" beauty box... and I wasn't quite sure what to expect from it... but OMG IT IS THE BEST THING EVER!

So the box had the Charcoal Peel Off Mask from The Masque Bar... and I like charcoal masks most of the time... but I've never tried a peel off mask for my face. I have sensitive skin and I've always been scared of my chin... because my chin usually gets a little red if a mask is a little too abrasive.

Fortunately, that didn't happen with this mask! It was pretty fun and very painless to take off and my skin immediately felt a lot smoother and it looked a lot better. I think it's supposed to help with any pore problems and I thought my pores looked smaller after it... it also totally removed dead skin, I think it removed some hair too... which is good but be careful with it! Make sure not to get your brow hairs in it because it will pull your brow hairs out... and that might not look great, but it's pretty awesome for making your face feel nice and smooth.

I did this mask on Thursday Night and now it's saturday and I think mostly my face is still nice and smooth... but my nose feels a little like it could use a pore strip or something. I think I have a cold or bad allergies right now... so that is probably contributing to some redness on my face and maybe some of the nose problem... but other than that my face still feels and looks pretty amazing.

I'm looking to buy a different peel off mask now... I was thinking of going with Formula 10.06's charcoal and plum mask because I think that might work nice... and there's an elf peel too that might be good... I don't know. I loved The Masque Bars, but it came in a packet making it more single use and messy than if I used one from a bottle or something.

So hopefully this was useful! Just kind of my first reaction... but I loved it and I hope you guys like it too!

