Style Saturday: Fashion Yay or Nay

Okay... so one of my favorite youtubers is Safiya Nygaard and she is known for wearing questionable clothing items for a week or so... and right now I'm watching a video of her wearing Platform Crocs for a week... and I was like "You know... I think I like a lot of very questionable items... so I want to showcase these items that I may or may not like.

Uggs: YES! 

I'm a huge fan of Ugg Boots. I think the original ones that you could get in all sorts of colors are a little outdated now... but they are comfortable and practical for winter.

The ones that I love are the knitted uggs. These I always get compliments on and they just fit my personality and my personal style wayyy better than the regular ones.

I actually have the blue pair and a glittery version of the second version.

Crocs- Sure, Why Not? 

I don't know if anyone really thinks crocs are fashionable... they do have some really cute designs though- Drew Barrymore did a commercial for them and everything... so they do have really cute ones... but mostly when I think "Croc" I think this

Which again... I can't really say are ugly. They're unique and the color is really pretty. They aren't stylish really... but I don't know. I've never owned a pair- but I've also never hated them... so yeah.

I can't say those are ugly. They're cute and they even look like regular shoes.

Vests... No, sorry! 

I don't know why... I'm slightly anti vest. I get the layering aspect. You can look cute in a vest... I do have one vest that I do like to wear occasionally... but no. I don't think I would recommend getting a vest. I never wear vests... Puffy vests just kind of confuse me... I don't know. I'm not 100% against them... but if you were to ask me "Hey Shannon, should I buy a vest?" I'd say "No."

I like that I say "Okay" to Crocs but "No" to vests.

I think I'll have some more... but I'm going to end it here for right now!

