13 Days of Blogoween: Hippie Makeup and Outfit

This is the last day of Blogoween! I wasn't going to do another halloween look... but I went out last night and I didn't know if we were dressing up or not... so I decided to do an outfit that could work either way and just do the makeup to be more specific for hippies.


I went into my Lorac Mega Pro 3 palette and I used all matte shades! I used the Elf Primer and Liner Sealer too. I primed with that, then went in with Dusty Mauve all over the lid and Violet Grey in the outer corner and I think in the crease... I might have also used Eggplant in the crease... not 100% sure. I did definitely use Dark Navy on the Outer corner and a little in the crease. Then I used the Elf Liner Sealer with Coulourpop's No Shame and I did that sort of Iconic 70s look... can't tell you how I did this... but it happened and it looks decent and in the lower lash line I used the black marc jacobs high liner.

And this might be the best my eyeliner has ever looked... plus this close up pick is at the end of the night... sooooo... yeah. 

Primed with Smashbox Primer Water and then used the Too Faced Born This Way Foundation. For cheeks I contoured a little with the Je ne Sais Quoi palette and then used that same blush, bronzer, highlight and powder from that palette. I used Urban Decay Primer Potion later on too. 

Idk if you can see it in these pics, but Tabloid from Smashbox. 

Basically... this is a hodge lodge of different outfits I've already posted... and I didn't get a good pic of anything... so I'll just describe it to you. 

I wore the same shirt that I wore in my Birthday Makeup look, the same necklace as my Queen of Hearts look, and the earrings are hoop earrings with sparkly dangly things on them from New York and Company. 

And I put my friends scarf over my head to make it look more like a hippie thing... so yeah! 

Byeee! Happy Halloween! Hope you guys liked Blogoween! It was a lot of fun! Stay tuned for Blogmas in December. Lol.

