Review: The Nubian 2 Palette by Juvia's Place

So lately... I've been obsessed with this Nubian 2 palette! I just got it last week I think... and its really nice! I have a lot of feelings about it... Its going to be one of those things that is hard to put down. I really like it a lot.

So Juvia's place is an Indie brand that is from... Jersey City, New Jersey! Not too far from me, so shipping is really fast for me... but its fast for everyone! Its only $4. I think you need to spend $70 or something for free shipping... not sure, but its only $4 otherwise... which bothered me at first cause its $4 from Jersey city... shouldn't be that. Lol. But it does cost more than $4 to get me to Jersey City... so that makes enough sense to me lol.

Anyway the actual size of the pans are huge! There are 12 shadows, they're about the size of the Makeup forever shadows... and tbh, I like the quality a lot better! I don't know, I have a couple of the makeup forever shades and I like them... but these I like more. Maybe I'm just biased... but I think they're a little better.

And its only $28! Great value! I really think thats cool.

And the color selection is awesome too. I love that there are neutral shadows, there are pops of color, there are some really nice warm shades... its just a nice selection. So if you want some colorful shades, but you know you won't use them everyday... this is a great palette.

The pigmentation is amazing! The mattes and shimmers are both really good. The mattes blend really easily, the shimmers go on so smoothly... its just really nice. Its so easy to use and it just shows up so easy to use. Its really nice and just a great palette. I've been really really liking it!

These go out of stock a lot of time... but they restock really frequently. They even have some bundle deals, right now they have a beauty box where you can get the Nubian 1 palette with some lashes and brushes... and that is tempting... it looks awesome and a great value. I'm trying to resist... but its hard. Lol.

The wear time is pretty good too... I felt like some of mine weren't lasting that long... but I think that was the primer... cause I've been using a newer primer lately and its been lasting a little better... so that's good.

The green was really nice on me yesterday. Today I did a gold look with some of the matte brown and orange in the crease... I really like it. There are some great colors in this... one of the most versatile palettes that I have! I love it.

One more thing: I think this brand is made to show up on darker skintones. The first person I remember seeing these swatched on was Jackie Aina and they looked amazing on her. They look great on light skintone too... I think this would be a great gift to get because these colors will show up on everyone and look beautiful. (if you're friends with me... I'm probably getting you one of these palettes for your birthday. Lol.)

So yeah... Highly highly recommend this palette... and I've heard the original Nubian palette is awesome as well... I don't have that one yet... but it looks awesome. And this is one of those brands that doesn't get much recognition or love... but it definitely deserves it!

Hope you guys like this!

