Review: Real Techniques Brush Cleaning Palette

I know I said I was going to do a lip swatch of the UD Revolution lipsticks today... but I just used this brush cleaner and I thought it'd be wayyy easier to do this. Lol.

So it says to put a dime sized amount of brush cleaner on it and then wet it and swirl your brush around in it... I don't know... I used way more. I was cleaning a lot of brushes, so I kind of put a dime sized amount in each section or I just swirled it all around and then added my water and swirled the brushes. I used Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo instead of anything else.

I liked that it had 3 different sections on it too. One for small brushes, one for large brushes, one for medium and one for small. That made it really useful. I didn't put the cleaner on my hand at all... but that would be easy too. And you can stand it up and put your brushes on top of the palette or whatever until they dry... that worked for some of my smaller brushes. The larger brushes I just put in a box with a paper towel on the bottom. Lol that worked well enough for me. I want to get one of those brush tree things maybe... but I don't really have the space. Or you could just lay them down with a paper towel underneath. Just make sure they aren't right side up because then it'll get in the ferrule of the brush and that could mess it up.

I did notice some brush hairs... so Idk if those were just brushes that were shedding easily or if the palette had anything to do with it.

I've heard not to put any beauty sponges on that because it'll shred them right up. The little bumpies are too harsh for the sponge and they'll just shred it up... so don't use it for that... but for all other brushes I think its okay. There wasn't a lot of shredding, it was just a little bit of shredding... so yeah. That worked.

And thats pretty much it! I really liked it, I think it's worth the price, especially compared to like the sigma brushes and stuff. I know Shopmissa has brush cleaners for $1... they have 2 different sizes... and I know you can get an oven mitt from the dollar store or something... but I like having something specifically designed for brush cleaning. You know? It just makes me feel a little better!

So I'd recommend this. I like it and I'll be cleaning my brushes more often (hopefully) because this was easy!

