Review: Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland Palette/ Embarrassing story/ Writing is Hard

Alright! I've tried reviewing this a few times... and writing is hard lol... so this is maybe take 2 or 3... idk. I've been weird lately in general and I start writing something and then I'm like "meh that isn't great" and then I'll just stop writing. Anyway... Alice Review.

And see... even then I just started writing and then I took a break and now I'm nervous to start again. Writing is hard!

Anyway I really wanted this palette because of the packaging. It would be a lie if I said otherwise. I love Alice in Wonderland. Fun Fact/ Embarrassing story... I had my first real kiss when I went to see the first Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland movie! I saw it with one of my friends early on in the day, and then a group of friends later at night and the guy I was seeing just happened to be there with some of his friends seeing a different movie... and we kinda made out in the comic Book section at Barnes and Nobles... and it was terrible! He was a really bad kisser and he was in a Nathans uniform... and there was just nothing appealing about the situation... lol. And the guy was an ass anyway... but yeah. Fun story. Writing is hard. Lol.

Back to the palette... Lmao! I told you, I'm weird lately. So this doesn't swatch very well. If you swatch it you might be like "Yeah... this is pointless." But on the eyes... its absolutely awesome! The colors are nice and vibrant, there aren't many matte shades but the ones that they have are easy to use and blend nicely and its just fun I really like it. Lol. Run on sentences... why can't I write today! Ugh!!!

If you're only going to get one and you don't mind bulky packaging that isn't as pretty as this... I'd say the Spectrum Palette is way better. And that I think is worth the $55 for the quality of the shadows. This I don't think is really worth $60 on quality alone. I used $30 in Ulta points so I think its well worth $30! It isn't selling that well, so I'm sure it'll go on sale like the Gwen Stefani stuff. I like having the packaging too. I have it laid out nicely on top of the drawers where I keep my palettes. If you collect palettes or love Alice in Wonderland this will make you very happy.

And I don't mean to knock the palette at all cause I love it. I've done some of my favorite looks with the palette and I don't have some of these colors. Its very unique and gorgeous!

Ohh and each row is based off of a different character from the movie... I haven't really used it like that yet... but you kinda can. And you can mix and match and do other fun things with I've been liking it a lot. I think this is a really fun palette to have! I'm happy to have it and theres a lot to do for it. If you're looking for a gift for an Alice in Wonderland fan... this would be an awesome gift. If you love Alice in Wonderland and you like the colors, I think you'll really like this. I don't really think this is a must have... but its fun if you have it!

