First Impression: Ulta Matte Lipstick

I'm actually doing a youtube video where I do a few first impressions... that will be on youtube whenever I feel like actually making a channel... but for now- I'm just going to talk about these products there... but I'll mention the Matte Lipstick from Ulta on my first impression review today.

This is the shade Scandy which came with the Melissa Michelle Palette and this shade is definitely one of my favorite types of shades... it's just really pretty and neutral... and nice.

I didn't think this was going to dry down matte when I put it on... it felt kind of glossy... didn't seem like it would really do much for my lips... but right when I finished filming I'm like "Ohhh... this is sticky!" And it is quite matte and you can really, really feel it there on your lips! I put this on around 10:40 I think... now it's 11:12 and its sticky... my lips kind of stick together if I open and close them. I took a drink of water and it didn't transfer at all... I'm not sure if it'll make it through Lunch... I am going out for lunch in a little bit... so I'll maybe check in and take pictures after eating.

After Lunch- 
It stayed on a little bit after drinking... I didn't eat a whole lot at lunch... but I drank and I was talking a lot... plus what I did eat was messy sandwich-type things... so it wore off pretty well then.

After Re-applying... 
I did reapply it and even though I talked quite a bit- I filmed a video with Cristina and then I did a check in for my makeup... it stayed on for an hour... but it wore a little bit weirdly. It kind of faded on the center lip and it didn't give the "butthole lips" look... but it was a bit weird. Reminded me a little of the Jordana liquid lipstick... but I prefer this and I'd probably purchase another of these whereas I wouldn't with the Jordana.

So I really like the color... I like the formula a lot too... I actually wore it again the day after I did this first impression... not something I always do... but I really loved this!

