Worth It Wednesday: Influenster Posh Voxbox Makeup: Browfood Aqua Brow Powder and Pencil Duo

So I received this Brow Product in my Influenster Posh Voxbox and I don't have a ton of experience with Brow Products... but I used it anyway! so I'm going to review it because I received this product for review! I was also going to talk about the Sigma Aura Blush that they sent... but that'll be next week's! Lol.

Anyway this is kind of handy because it has both a pencil side and a powder side... but at the same time... I feel like the Pencil side is really great for people with bigger fuller brows where the powder I think would work better for someone with a little less hair in the eyebrow department? I have no idea how to phrase things lol. So I've used them both... I prefer the pencil for my brows- the powder definitely helps the hold... but I've got to be more careful with that because it can look a little bit Groucho Marks. Not the easiest to blend out either... so that's a bit of a drawback... once you get the hang of it- which I'm starting to then it's something really good and easy to use.

I should explain how the "powder side" works before getting more into it... On one side you take the cap off and there's a pencil, that's easy to use... but then if you unscrew the other side you get the powder, which has an applicator to apply it on top. I think the applicator is maybe just a little bit too big for the brows... it comes to a point... but it's still kind or big- which isn't always ideal for brows.

You also get a little less product when it's this double ended sort of thing... I've used this quite a lot and I haven't made much of a dent in it... but again- I have thicker eyebrows- I don't use a lot so this will still last me a while. The brand is actually Lashfood and they have pencils and gels sold individually... so that might work a little better. I would probably buy another brow pencil when I'm done with this just because I don't really need to spend $24 on a brow product... I have enough brows. And this powder didn't really work well for me... so I would probably just use a matte brown eyeshadow instead... I have enough of those. Lol.

Keep in mind: I don't really do my brows ever... this is the first brow product I'm reviewing because it's the first one I've ever really tried... so I don't know if I'm the best authority to say whether this is worth the $24 or not... it just seems like both ends will work for different people... and the powder just isn't my favorite.

Hope that was useful!

