I had a good hair day today! Here's My Secret! HAIR ROUTINE! (2.16.18)

Alright so I'm not an expert in hair or anything... but this is what my hair looks like right now...

I know right? Lol. Soooo I've done hair routines before- it hasn't changed much but I think it's changed enough that I can give you some new details and some days when you just feel really confident... you need to share that and your Hair Routine!

So I usually do shampoo first... I know some people do reverse washing- I do that sometimes and I like that too... but right now I've been doing shampoo first and I use the Neutrogena Clear Shampoo. This shampoo does not leave much residue because there's like nothing too it. I do have dry hair... but I do put a lot of stuff in it- so I don't think I need my shampoo to be moisturizing... I think that ends up weighing it down and it ends up looking less curly and voluminous... so if you have a clear shampoo and whatever else you regularly use... it might work a little better!

I've been using the Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Hair Mask... this is a nice, moisturizing conditioner... plus it smells amazing. I liked this a long time ago but then my hair got very dry and tangled and I wasn't sure if this was the reason why... I don't think it was. I've been using this for a few weeks now. I just leave this in- do the rest of my bath routine and then I rinse it out.

Usually I like to comb my hair while its still really wet... if you have curly hair you shouldn't brush it unless it gets really tangly... but for the most part- my hair looks best if I comb before putting my other products in.

Ouidad Steps 
I usually like to start out with the Moisture Lock Leave in Conditioner... this kind of helps it get moisturized right from the beginning and if there are any tangles- this kind of helps detangle too.

With Ouidad Products you're supposed to do a "Rake and Shake" technique... which Is basically "raking" through your hair with your fingers and then just shake it around a little bit.This helps your natural curls fall into place and form a little bit. I do this with each of the products when I put each product in... I also kind of put my head down so my hair is like cousin it... so I'll insert a picture here so that you can see me look like Cousin It because every Beauty Blogger secretly wants that... lol.

 Then I use the Climate Control Humidity Gel to keep it from frizzing... which is really great. The Shampoo and conditioner from this line is great too... Influenster sent me those... I still think I prefer my Neutrogena Clear Shampoo... but yeah. That's a good little thing to use next... Do the Rake and Shake and Scrunching Technique again... so this is good.

And then I use the Curl Defining Hair Souffle to kind of lock in more moisture and make it feel nice and soft... and I do the same Rake and Shake and then the scrunch with this.

Pulling my Hair Back For The Night 
I try not to pull my hair back too tight because when I pull it back too tightly- it looses some of the curl and doesn't look as night.

Before Bed or The Next Morning 
So these things I sort of do according to how I feel before bed or how I feel when I wake up... if I want the curls to last a little bit longer- I will use the Ouidad Hairspray to make sure my hair stays looking like how it does in this picture all day long. You could probably use any hairspray... I just like the Ouidad since I already use Ouidad Products.

And if it feels a little bit dry- I'll use some sort of hair oil. I have an argan oil from Macadamia that I got on sale at Ulta last year that I like... and I have a l'oreal one that I like and use sometimes too.

If I have the It's A 10 Spray sometimes I'll use that... but that's just sort of an extra step if you think you need it. I have a long day today... I'm watching my niece who likes to pull my hair and then I have my friends Rehearsal Dinner to get to... so I want my hair to stay looking nice!

And that is everything... I hope you guys like these tips or find them useful... if you have curly hair you could definitely use the Ouidad steps... if you don't you should skip them and do whatever you normally do... I just like these a lot.

